Does ‘Hannibal’ Have A Chance To Continue? Netflix May Not Be An Option

Our hearts momentarily stopped beating when we learned on Monday that NBC's Hannibal is on its final course.

Despite positive ratings, powerful acting by Hugh Dancy as Will Graham and Mads Mikkelsen as Hannibal Lecter, in addition to artistically creative – and gory – cinematography, the show hasn't managed to attract a large audience beyond its cult following of Fannibals.

Season 3 hit a series low last Thursday, only drawing in 1.8 million viewers and .5 in the 18-to-49 demographic. So it was only inevitable that NBC would finally give the show the ax.

But even though the horror series will no longer air on NBC, that doesn't necessarily mean we should start mourning its death.

"A hungry cannibal can always dine again," Hannibal producer Bryan Fuller said in a statement, suggesting the possibility of the series being picked up somewhere else.

Executive producer Martha De Laurentiis revealed via Twitter that producers are looking at other options, telling fans to voice their support to save the series. The Fannibals have gone so far as to create a petition for NBC to renew the show for another season. As of writing, the petition has received over 63,000 signatures.

And while the chances of the show airing on another basic cable network are slim, online streaming networks are endlessly ravenous for more content — meaning Hannibal may actually have potential to continue.

Fuller confirmed that there have been discussions with both Netflix and Amazon to bring the show to their digital platforms. And while it would be great to see Hannibal added to the Netflix roster, it seems like Amazon might be the better option, since Amazon Prime has the exclusive rights to stream the show's first three seasons.

"I know there have been discussions on a couple of fronts with Netflix and Amazon," Fuller told Variety. "But I believe our deal with Amazon precludes a Netflix component, so I think Netflix, who has expressed interest and has expressed great enthusiasm for the show... I don't think contractually with our Amazon contract, they can pick up the show."

Even if it makes better sense to work out a deal with Amazon, at the end of the day, it all comes down to money.

"All I know is that things are being discussed with venues to see how interested they actually are. I don't know to what extent," Fuller said. "Without an NBC component, it's a little complicated. Even some of our international partners, because there's no NBC component, will pass on a fourth season."

Hannibal’s current season was only made possible by funding from Europe with help from NBC as an international component.

While Hannibal's fate seems to be unknown at this point, big things were planned for potential Seasons 4 and 5. Although MGM owns the rights to Silence of the Lambs character Clarice Starling, Fuller plans on somehow incorporating her character into the series.

"If I told you [the Season 4 plan], you'd be like, 'Oh, yeah, that's right!' But I don't want to give any hints about it, because it would betray the finale of this season," Fuller told Hitfix.

"But it's based on something from one of the books, where we would do what we usually do, which is subvert it, starting with the radical differences in the relationships on the show versus how they were written in the novels."

Those who are already hungry for more Hannibal can at least stay tuned for Season 3, which is only three episodes in. This season, Fannibals will be introduced to Red Dragon, based off the book by Thomas Harris.

Hannibal continues to air – for now – on NBC, Thursdays at 10 p.m.

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