When we think of the Supreme Court, most of us imagine a group of older men and women who probably don't get things like comic books, video games and geekdom.
However, the Supreme Court recently surprised geeks in a recent case involving a Spider-Man toy when the court actually quoted some lines from the comics.
How's that for cool?
The case's story starts back in the 1990s when a man named Stephen Kimble invented and patented a Spider-Man toy called the Web Blaster. After Marvel created a similar toy, Kimble sued the company for patent infringement, but the two companies eventually came to an agreement, giving Kimble 3 percent of sales of Marvel's toy. However, in 2006, Marvel gave Hasbro licensing rights for the toy, and Kimble called foul over the royalties he received.
The Supreme Court recently ruled on the case and stated that because Kimble's patent was now expired, he can no longer collect royalties on the toy.
But that's not all. In their ruling, the official verdict contained language that might seem familiar to fans of Spider-Man's story, as well as the 1960s Spider-Man cartoon, which had a very iconic theme song.
Nice one, Kagan. #SCOTUS #Spiderman pic.twitter.com/iIJILzP9Hp
— Mike Sacks (@MikeSacksEsq) June 22, 2015
That's right, the Supreme Court quoted Peter Parker's Uncle Ben. But that's not all, because there was another quote in the final ruling that reeks of geekdom.
@CitizenCohn It does. pic.twitter.com/u8vekBknKb — Nicholas Bagley (@nicholas_bagley) June 22, 2015
Anyone who's seen the 1960s Spider-Man cartoon recognizes "by doing whatever a spider can" from the series' iconic theme song:
It seems that the U.S. Supreme Court is a lot geekier and cooler than we ever imagined.
Photo Credit: Marvel
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