The 10 Worst Superhero Games Of All Time

At this point, comic book fans should be pretty happy with how gaming is treating them: sure, there aren't that many comic book titles coming out, but the ones that are being released are pretty great. Just look at how pretty Batman: Arkham Knight is!

Of course, there's always the alternative: superhero games used to be a much more frequent occurrence, but that doesn't mean they were any good. For every Spider-Man 2, there were a dozen Justice League: Task Forces. Things didn't get any better when studios started attaching them to films, either: Marvel may have had success on the silver screen, but when it comes to gaming, it's not a pretty picture. Sadly, DC's games were arguably even worse.

So, with Batman: Arkham Knight just around the corner, let's take a trip back in time and remember how bad things used to be. In no particular order, here are the 10 Worst Superhero Games of All Time:

Superman 64

Release date: May 31, 1999
Platform: Nintendo 64

Let's get the easy one out of the way first: Superman 64 is a game in which players spend the vast majority of their time as one of the strongest beings in the universe flying through brightly-colored rings. That's bad enough on its own ... but somehow, the game only gets worse from there.

Chances are, if you've been into gaming for any sizable period of time, you know how bad this game is. If you don't know about the horror that is Superman 64, try it out — every other game you ever play afterward will be perfect in comparison.

Aquaman: Battle of Atlantis

Release date: July 3, 2003
Platform: GameCube, Xbox

Thankfully, it won't be too much longer before we can purge these games from our collective memories altogether: Batman: Arkham Knight is due out on June 23.

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