E3 2015 ‘Metal Gear Solid V’ Hands-On: A Return To Form

We’re a little more than two months away from the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, but unlike most major Triple-A titles, Konami has kept a great deal about the game under wraps.

While fans had a pretty good sense of what is to come, thanks to the pseudo-prequel Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, there’s still enough of that patented Konami mystery around The Phantom Pain to keep everyone guessing.

At E3, I was able to get my hands on The Phantom Pain for an extended demo, and while there’s not much in the way of details that I can divulge, I’m happy to report that for fans of the series, this game is like reconnecting with an old friend.

Simply put: if you love Metal Gear, you’ll slip right into The Phantom Pain without missing a beat. The gameplay mechanics take what worked from past installments and elevate them for a true current-gen experience.

The non-linear gameplay is still here, with Snake being given a range of options of how to take down enemies, whether you want to travel the world in stealth or go in guns blazing. If you do choose brute force, though, you better get comfortable with your surroundings so you can take cover or get out of dodge if need be.

Close quarters combat is back with some tweaks that make the melee action feel much more fluid and cinematic. The gunplay remains intuitive, and the enemy A.I. is as fierce as ever.

Fans worried that the gigantic open world would compromise Metal Gear's intimate feel should be relieved to know that the map is fully integrated into the series' distinct style. Plus, with a world this gorgeous, it's not a chore to explore every crevice.

The Metal Gear series has always been just as much about pushing the technological limits of whatever system it is on, in addition to just being a blast to play. The Phantom Pain continues this by featuring drop-dead-gorgeous visuals with beautiful landscape details, a hefty draw distance and character models that are just spot-on. The end result is so immersive that it should stick with you well after you unplug.

I was given just a taste of what is to come on September 1 when The Phantom Pain drops, but if the demo is anything to go by, the world is about to be reminded why Snake is still king of the gaming mountain.

Stay tuned for more E3 2015 coverage all week from TechTimes and T-Lounge.

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