Mortal Kombat X #22 Review: Corruption

As one battle in Mortal Kombat X concludes, another one is quickly brewing. War is coming to Shang Tsung's island, and it looks like nearly every character we've encountered in this series so far will be converging for one massive battle.

This issue is primarily a means of putting all the pieces of that upcoming battle in place. Last issue Scorpion and Takeda encountered an unexpected visitor at one of the temples guarding a Kamidogu dagger -- Havik. Scorpion knows something isn't right but can't quite put his finger on it, especially with Havik misdirecting Scorpion with talk of Raiden being corrupt.

Speaking of corruption, it looks like Havik has corrupted the shaolin of the temple as well. Raiden too is tainted. After using a Kamidogu, Raiden can no longer enter the healing aura of the Jinsei, in a way proving Havik isn't completely making things up.

So who isn't corrupted? Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade. The two are still in Outworld preparing to travel via massive warship to Shang Tsung's island and save Cassie and Jacqui. They have their own concerns as well. Kotal Khan is packing W.M.D.s (courtesy of Kano) along for the trip, something Sonya isn't exactly thrilled with.

The exchange between Johnny and Sonya here is a highlight of the issue. Sonya is growing impatient waiting to set sail, as every minute wasted is time that Cassie and Jacqui might not be able to afford. It's Johnny who tries to be the voice of reason for once, and we get to see the relationship between these two longtime Mortal Kombat characters in a way we don't often get to.

It's a shame next issue won't be the start of the siege we've all been waiting for, but the "Sekret Origin" of Johnny and Sonya story coming in issue #23 should prove interesting. The two characters form the backbone of this prequel comic and the Mortal Kombat X game storyline, so to see more of their relationship, including the reasons why they divorced, should be a welcome detour on our way to Shang Tsung's island.







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