Xbox One April update rolls out, improves friend notification and Kinect gesture functionality

In February, Microsoft sent out invites to selected members of the Xbox One community to preview the new features of the software in an attempt to get feedback from them and further develop the system.

The invitation seemed successful and the inputs seemed to have taken good shape as well, with Microsoft announcing that it has a new system update coming up.

"Tonight, we will begin rolling out the next Xbox One system update," Microsoft executive Larry Hryb, also known as Major Nelson, wrote in a blog post.

He went on to thank the selected members of Xbox Live who previewed and reviewed the features and gave the company feedback.

"Their input helped shape this system update, and we look forward to expanding our list of previewing Xbox Live members in the coming months," he added.

In terms of saving and updating the games and apps, the new system has a game progress save bar that shows the status of games saved. The bar likewise allows users to easily discern the apps and games updated lately or even those in the middle of being updated.

Interaction with your friends has become easier as well with a friend notifications feature added, which alerts users when friends or favorites log in to the Xbox Live. The notifications feature also identifies friends in multiplayer games. The company revealed it was among the most-often requested feature, which is why it made such a priority in the update. This feature was, in fact, present in the earlier generation of consoles and in the latest PlayStation 4.

The company also continues to modify the Kinect voice and motion functionality to ensure reliable quality of the Xbox commands. For instance, there is a tweak on the gesture functionality which helps better identify which one is actually the hands that do the commands.

The video quality of GameVDR got some improvements as well, by improving the compression algorithm. The Blu-ray player now supports recorded contents at 50 Hz, and possibly more, Hryb wrote. Wireless connectivity has been improved and audio static reduced as well, thanks to the updates applied on the controller and headset connector.

Gamers can expect a silent reboot now following updates on the system. There will be automatic updates when the console is on Instant On mode, thereafter returning to standby after completion, so there is no need to turn the console on and off. Also, gamers can tweak the system settings if they want to have future updates without having the console act on it.

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