'The Flash' Season Finale Opens The Door For Multiple Earths And Timelines

Spoilers ahead for last night's Flash finale!

Things are about to get a lot more wibbly wobbly timey wimey on The Flash, at least according to reports now coming out that we're about to see multiple universes within the setting of the series.

As we saw in the season finale of The Flash, Barry doesn't save his mother, Eddie Thawne sacrifices himself for the greater good and the Reverse Flash is erased from history.

This sets up a big time paradox for season 2 to deal with. And star Grant Gustin already spoke about what's ahead.

"What's fun about this show is that there's going to be multiple timelines as we move forward," said Gustin to TV Guide. "I think we're going to start showing Earth-One and Earth-Two in the near future. There will be kind of different dimensions going on."

Fans of DC Comics are already familiar with the designations of Earth-One and Earth-Two as those are two parallel universes of many used throughout various stories within their pages. This means we'll probably see alternate versions of characters and perhaps even get to see Barry befriend the real Dr. Wells. We could also see other characters from a new perspective, perhaps even becoming villains. With Killer Snow already teased, it's likely that this universe is where Caitlin becomes her.

This also lends the writers a great deal more flexibility in storytelling, as well as the ability to tell two stories at once about the same character.

Of course, it also means that the series faces confusion from its viewing audience, particularly when the show crosses over with other DC-based TV shows such as Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow.

"It gets a little Rubik's Cube-y in terms of keeping consistency between all these timelines and whatnot," says Carlos Valdes, who plays Cisco Ramon on the series. "But the writers have their stuff together. If I were to trust anyone, it would be them."

The Flash returns in the fall to CW.

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