'Secret Wars' #1 Review: Universe Go Boom

Secret Wars #1 is Marvel's universe-shattering mega-event to end all mega-events, and it's built on several years of Avengers stories from writer Jonathan Hickman, along with support from countless others on titles like The Ultimates, Fantastic Four (may it rest in peace), Hulk, Uncanny X-Men, Ultimate Spider-Man, Inhuman, Guardians of the Galaxy and more.

In short: all of reality is ending, because alternate dimensions keep colliding into one another. No one knows why these "Incursions" are happening, but they've been taking place for a long while now, to the point that there are only two universes left: the Marvel universe and the Ultimate universe. (If you need a quick Cliff's Notes look at the Incursions' backstory, download Secret Wars #0, Marvel's Free Comic Book Day comic.)

In Secret Wars #1, this final conflict comes to a head, and heroes from both universes face off against one another on the theory that if they can destroy the other Earth/universe, then perhaps their own can survive. We follow the action from two viewpoints: Ultimate Nick Fury directs an assault on the Marvel universe while the 616's Fantastic Four finish try to launch a life raft into space that could potentially rebuild the human race — assuming there's anything left of reality for them to rebuild on.

Nearly every major character from both universes gets a moment in the spotlight as they join in the fight. Even many of Marvel's villains help out, though of course the most self-serving masterminds like Dr. Doom and Ultimate Reed "Maker" Richards have their own plans...

With Battleworld looming, the issue's climax will come as no surprise, but it's a pleasant surprise to see it given the emotional gravitas it deserves. Too often in comics, superheroes shrug off collateral damage and personal losses as if they're nothing. So if two entire worlds end and billions die, some hardcore drama is called for. And Hickman delivers with some truly heartbreaking sequences.

Despite Marvel's claims that Secret Wars will be 100% accessible to newcomers, noobs will be terribly confused at many of the issue's character beats. Where's Iron Man? From news headlines we know he's gone all narcissistic on the West Coast, but he's still an Avenger, so why isn't he part of the big fight? Is he dead? Drunk? Ambivalent? Sam Wilson is Captain America, there's a female Thor, Hulk is a mohawk-wearing genius, Ultimate Reed Richards has turned villain, nobody trusts Scott Summers, and on and on. The main thrust of the story is simple enough, but you may have to consult a wiki to fill in most of these blanks.

Esad Ribic turns in some of the finest work of his career, elevating the material while drawing epic-scale action and characterizations that are worthy of the momentous events they depict. The art is simply gorgeous, and you'll want to pore over every little detail.

Secret Wars #1 is probably the greatest tragedy ever to befall the Marvel universe, yet it comes with a built-in caveat that undermines all those feels: How can these countless deaths really matter if everyone turns up miraculously alive on Battleworld in issue #2? Here's hoping Hickman will find a way to have his cake and eat it too.







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