He's Shaqtin' a fool once again.
Racing to the big screen to make a point about playoff action on Inside the NBA on Wednesday, Shaquille O'Neal tripped on a computer monitor wire and plunged right off the set.
Like clockwork, the hard fall immediately got a life of its own on the Internet, especially on social media avenues like Twitter. The memes were so impressive that Shaq put up a $500 prize for the best interpretation of his slip and fall.
Here are some of our favorites:
"@SHAQ: I almost broke my dam leg lol #downgoesshaq #shaqtinafall" Reasons why I can't!! pic.twitter.com/F3fRWOgWzs
— Ebony Reed (@TheEbonyReed) May 7, 2015
C'mon @SHAQ always blame this guy.. @marcelluswiley pic.twitter.com/jRgAlYIokM — SteveNBA (@FunnyNbaGuy) May 7, 2015
.@SHAQ having too much fun.... #shaqtinafall pic.twitter.com/aiEkkSxvBp
— SteveNBA (@FunnyNbaGuy) May 7, 2015
pic.twitter.com/D1hkwsfz1M — SteveNBA (@FunnyNbaGuy) May 7, 2015
Shaq has his own favorites.
Maymeather vs shaqiou pic.twitter.com/951Ct3i6sS
— SHAQ (@SHAQ) May 7, 2015
Whoever makes me the best meme of me bustin my ass (like this one) wins $500 cash. Go. #shaqtinafall pic.twitter.com/3skU2UUUWj — SHAQ (@SHAQ) May 7, 2015
The legendary former NBA center also has an early favorite to win.
This guy is winning so far keepem comin pic.twitter.com/wZQM8DdMdg — SHAQ (@SHAQ) May 7, 2015
Shaq's big tumble and the immense trending topic it became overshadowed a zany lip-sync battle he had with fellow co-hosts Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and Ernie Johnson. If this isn't the best show going on TV, we don't know what is. Absolutely hilarious!
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