DC Is Giving Fans A Free Sneak Peak At Its Post-Convergence Titles

DC's Convergence event so far has left a lot to be desired. On paper the idea of the various DC Comic multiverses battling it out sounds interesting. When it comes to actually executing on that idea...well, they tried.

But regardless of whether or not Convergence is a quality event, it does hold the important purpose of creating a clean slate for DC to start fresh as the company migrates from New York City to its new offices in Burbank, California. While a few of the current New 52 titles will survive the event (like Batman and Superman), many will not, and in their place will be a line-up of entirely new comic titles for fans to get hooked on. In fact, you can get hooked on them right now.

DC is offering free sneak peaks at upcoming titles like Starfire, Midnighter, Prez and more over at DCComics.com. It's a diverse line-up of new and old. There are titles starring Green Lantern and Green Arrow, but also ones focused on lesser known characters like Midnighter and Starfire. In tone alone the books feel very different from one another. The New 52 had a reputation of being hyper-violent and overly serious, but this new comic roster looks to feature far more variety.

The phrase "sneak peak" is a little misleading, however. These 10 previews aren't excerpts from the upcoming #1 issues of each series coming in June. These are actually eight-page, self contained stories that serve as an introduction to each title. Neat!

For example, if you haven't kept up to date on the latest Batman news, this preview comic will introduce you to the new man in the armored Batman suit.

Reading over a handful of the mini-stories on display here, there is truly some solid stuff worth getting excited about. So what are you waiting for? Start reading! For the low, low price of free, it doesn't get much better than this.

For more DC Comics news, check out all the juicy Batman related info from Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's Twitter Q&A, and be sure to read our interview with DC Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank as they discuss Batman: Earth One Volume 2.

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