Is This Iron Man's Armor For 'Captain America: Civil War'?

One of Iron Man's hallmarks has been that, whenever a new movie comes out, he gets a new suit of armor. The suit's evolved quite a bit over the years, and fans have been able to watch as Tony's bulky Mk. I armor from Iron Man eventually became the Mk. XLII from Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Essentially, the armor has evolved alongside the man who controls it - and it looks like that trend will continue.

Marvel fans already know that Iron Man/Tony Stark is set to appear in Captain America: Civil War - but what fans don't know is what he'll be wearing. Some may assume that the Mk. XLII armor from Age of Ultron will return, but it just wouldn't be the same if Tony's armor didn't evolve from movie to movie - instead, it looks like the Iron Man armor is going to be making a big jump forward in terms of tech.

According to rumors, Iron Man may be sporting the 'Bleeding Edge' armor variant for Captain America: Civil War:

Throughout each film, fans have seen how 'suiting up' gets easier and easier. In Iron Man, the process was long and complicated; in The Avengers, Tony could walk down a runway and have the suit disassemble itself as he walked; in Age of Ultron, he could literally step out of the suit at any time. As cool as these evolutions are, they can't hold a candle to the 'Bleeding Edge' armor.

Instead of numerous metal plates, the Bleeding Edge armor is basically a liquid that forms over Tony's body - much like Spider-Man's original black suit. It's one of the most advanced versions of the armor to ever appear in the comics - though the filmmakers would have to find a way to explain how the armor works without making it seem ridiculous or taking too much time away from the rest of the story.

If it's done right, the Bleeding Edge armor could look amazing. It'd be a big jump for the movies to make, seeing as Tony is still using a more traditional suit in Age of Ultron, but it's also one of the coolest suits Iron Man's ever had. Who wouldn't want a suit that assembles itself?

Captain America: Civil War is set to hit theaters on May 6, 2016.

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