Ever since the Marvel Cinematic Universe was launched, the studio's produced some of the best superhero movies of all time. That may sound obvious, but the reason for Marvel's success might not be as clear: sure, the movies are filled with explosions and action, but the characters themselves and their constant evolution are what tie everything together.
The fact that the characters have changed and evolved over numerous films is what makes the Cinematic Universe approach work...and it's leading up to some huge events.
When Marvel announced that the first Phase 3 film would be Captain America: Civil War, comic fans everywhere went ballistic. It's one of the biggest stories that the publisher ever released, and it's the film that much of the Marvel Cinematic Universe story has been building to. Even with Avengers: Age of Ultron still in theaters, fans are ridiculously excited to see what Marvel can do with the Civil War storyline.
As it stands, fans may have already gotten their first look at the next Captain America film: LatinoReview's Umberto Gonzalez has posted the first alleged piece of Civil War promotional art:
A photo posted by Umberto Gonzalez (@umbertogonzalez) on May 4, 2015 at 6:35am PDT
To be honest, it's not much: fans already knew that Civil War would feature Captain America and Iron Man duking it out, so it's not as if the picture really sheds any new light on the production. That's not to say the picture isn't cool (it is), it just doesn't reveal any new information.
On top of that, the promo art is either very early on in development, or possibly made by a fan. Marvel's promotional art is typically very grandiose, and its depiction of its heroes is almost mythical - usually, it's not quite as blunt as this. Again, there's a possibility that this is Marvel's first promo art for Civil War: it just doesn't match the studio's previously-established style.
Either way, Captain America: Civil War could be Marvel Studio's biggest film yet - including The Avengers. Fans will get to see it for themselves when the film launches on May 6, 2016.
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