Amy Schumer's Spot-On 'One Direction' Parody Blows Up Twitter

One Direction famously sings that you "don't need makeup to cover up" in the opening verse of the British boy band's hit song "What Makes You Beautiful." However, many ladies know that's unfortunately not how the world really works.

But even though we all know this sentiment isn't totally true, for some reason, boy band after boy band keeps churning out love songs that profess that women don't need to do anything fancy with their appearance because they're naturally beautiful. I guess it's just nice to pretend this is the world we live in.

Well, thank goodness for Amy Schumer and her refreshing brand of feminist comedy. The comedian parodied One Direction's "What Makes You Beautiful" and all those other boy band songs that sound like it to show how these guys would really react if you followed their advice and didn't take the time to get all dolled up.

In "Girl, You Don't Need Makeup," four One Direction wannabes convince Schumer that she's gorgeous enough all on her own, and she doesn't need to be a slave to society's beauty standards. That is, until they see what she looks like without makeup. Then, they rush to dig out her cosmetics from the trash can and beg her to put it back on so she doesn't look like "the ghost from The Ring." Yeah, that sounds more like it.

If you check out the full video below, you won't be able to get this incredibly catchy tune out of your head. Unfortunately, you won't be able to forget its message either.

Much like Beyonce's "***Flawless" inspired women to take to social media to post their makeup-less selfies with #IWokeUpLikeThis, female viewers responded to Schumer's sketch by posting photos of themselves sans makeup on social media with #GirlYouDontNeedMakeup.

Schumer even retweeted several of these photos from her own Twitter account, noting how much they have inspired her in addition to bringing some awareness to the fight for equal pay.

It would certainly be nice if a funny parody video brought about some actual change too.

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