When He's Done With Predator, Archie Takes On Sharknado

Because the completely improbable, utterly inconceivable, patently insane team-up of Archie vs. Predator wasn't bonkers enough, Archie Comics has announced its next franchise mashup.

And if you thought Predator was the very last possible thing anyone could have ever expected to see in an Archie comic... You were so, so very wrong.

Next up on Archie's to-do list, apparently, is Syfy's so-awful-it's-awesome shlockfest, Sharknado. That's right, coming your way this summer is Archie vs. Sharknado. Unlike the Predator series, this is a single-issue comic that's releasing on the same day as the third movie, Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!, debuts on Syfy.

Both comic and movie are coming on July 22. Which, coincidentally, is the same day that Archie creator John Goldwater is scheduled to do barrel rolls in his grave.

The story, set between the second and third Sharknado movies, finds the tornado full of sharks from Sharknado 2: The Second One wreaking havoc on Riverdale after its onslaught of New York. There, Archie, Veronica and the rest of the town are enjoying a leisurely summer break when sharks begin raining from the sky.

The 48-page Archie vs. Sharknado is being written by Anthony C. Ferrante, the director of all three movies. Archie regular Dan Parent will handle the artwork. Blastr has an exclusive preview of the alternate cover, which Sharknado fans should find considerably better (and bloodier) than the main cover, above.

God help us all.

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