This Behind-The-Scenes 'Game Of Thrones' Video Shows The Sand Snakes Kicking Butt

Have you ever been curious about the stunts on HBO's hit series Game of Thrones? Well, now you're in luck, because the network just released a video detailing how the series handles stunts, from training, choreography and filming.

Most importantly, though, this video gives us our first sneak peek at the Sand Snakes' fighting skills, showing off three butt-kicking women that are very capable of taking vengeance on those who've done their family harm.

Those familiar with George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire books are already familiar with the Sand Snakes, the daughters of Prince Oberyn Martell, but HBO has changed them somewhat for the television series. Instead of eight daughters, the series will only feature three: Obaria, Nymeria and Tyene.

However, like in the novels, the sisters become determined to avenge their father's death at King's Landing at the hand of Gregor Glegane. And if this video is any indication, these girls know how to fight (as they did in the books). Here, we see Tyene (Rosabell Laurenti Sellers) with her double daggers, Nymeria (Jessica Henwick) with an eight-foot whip and Obara wielding a large spear.

The video also features more information about the stunts and how they're choreographed for the show, with mentions of several actors who insist on doing their own work, including Kit Harrington, who plays Jon Snow on the series, as well as Kristopher Hivju (Tormund) and Iain Glen (Jorah Mormont).

"We've got lots going on," says Game of Thrones stunt coordinator Rowley Irlam in the video. "We've got people jumping off of cliffs. We've got boats turning over. We've got some really big kills going on."

This season of Game of Thrones incorporates events from Martin's most recent books in the series, A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons. Game of Thrones producers have announced that next year's season six will begin spoiling any future books Martin writes in the series, although, if we're lucky, Martin will finish Winds of Winter before then; the author has already cancelled several upcoming convention appearances to work on the next novel in the series.

Season five of Game of Thrones premieres on HBO on April 12.

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