Flash, Green Arrow & More DC Comics Heroes Are Getting New Costumes

You've seen the new jeans and t-shirt Superman, and that full-skin-coverage Wonder Woman. And who can forget that bonkers, meched-out Batman suit?

Thanks to the full June solicitations from DC Comics, we're now seeing that more of DC's superheroes are getting makeovers beyond the Big Three. While none of these are as drastic as those — Batman in particular — they show off the beginnings of the post-New 52 era for DC. An era that DC's editorial team claims will be free from the constraints of shared timelines and continuity. In other words, say goodbye to those costumes designed by Jim Lee that all shared a common aesthetic.

First up, check out Flash's new look. All those lightning bolts aside, Brett Booth's design appears to incorporate more yellow and a darker shade of red alongside Flash's usual red coloring. Should be interesting to see what those added hues and textures will look like when shown against a background that offers more contrast than orange/red.

Green Arrow loses his usual tights and armbands in favor of something more utilitarian. And a mullet. Does the look remind you of the TV show Arrow (sans mullet)? A melding of the old and the new is probably what artist Patrick Zircher was going for.

This one may or may not represent a "new costume," but it's worth pointing out because of what it evokes. Most likely, the look sported by Green Lantern on this Billy Tan cover is merely part of a new story arc, and won't stick around for long. But when you look at Hal Jordan wearing a hood, your brain immediately goes, "Spectre." Hmm.

Finally, take a look at this Howard Porter cover for the first issue of new title Red Hood/Arsenal. Red Hood's outfit shows a few minor tweaks, but Arsenal is wearing something entirely new. His costume appears to mix his usual red with green or perhaps black (could go either way, depending on the lighting).

All of these titles debut in June, after DC's two-month Convergence event ends.

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