Marvel Unveils Final Theater Poster For 'Avengers: Age Of Ultron'

The sequel you've been waiting for is almost here.

You know it's getting close to a release date when the poster that will be displayed in theaters to advertise a movie is revealed. Posters aren't that big a deal for smaller movies, but for a movie of this magnitude, it's major.

Just moments ago, Marvel Studios unveiled the final theatrical poster for Avengers: Age of Ultron, and here it is.

Quick reaction: Crowded but cool. It's got that same blue-ish gray feel that the most recent Captain America and Iron Man posters had, and fanboys will love the sight of Vision floating above the action.

After having such a small space on The Avengers poster, it's nice to see Captain America out front and center, where he belongs. Also appropriate that the biggest figures visible are the "main four": Hulk, Iron Man, Cap and Thor. Black Widow's Tron-like suit looks pretty darn cool, too. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are sidelined, barely visible near the top right corner, but at least they're there. And Nick Fury gets some good facetime, despite Samuel L. Jackson's assertions that he doesn't get much to do in this one.

The focal point though, the thing that really draws your eye, is that swirling storm of Ultron robots in the sky. They look like a hurricane or a tornado, twisting and tearing through everything in sight. Which is just how they should look.

What do you think of it?

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