'Star Wars' Meets 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' In New Fan-Made Trailer

2015 is already shaping up to be a huge year for moviegoers. Not only is the next wave of Marvel's blockbusters almost upon us, but Star Wars is making its long-awaited return! If everything goes well, 2015 could be the best year for comic book and science fiction nerds ever.

Speaking of Marvel and Star Wars, ever since the two properties were acquired by Disney, everyone's been making jokes about how the two universes should cross over. It's a cool idea, and for the first time ever, something like that could potentially happen - it probably won't, but the possibility is enough to spark a lot of people's imagination.

According to one fan, a Star Wars/Marvel crossover would have Darth Vader taking over for Ultron:

Aside from the garbled lines at the end of the trailer (it seems that Vader never quoted the Avengers trailer), the entire thing is fantastic. Darth Vader was always menacing, but never scary - until he started talking like Ultron, that is. If Vader was an unstoppable killing machine instead of a twisted, tormented former Jedi, this is probably what Star Wars would have looked like.

If anything, it shows just how unnerving the latest Avengers trailer really was: the quite singing of a young girl over images of ships exploding and families trying to lightsaber one another is more unsettling than Star Wars has ever been.

Of course, this isn't The Unusual Suspect's first time creating custom trailers: everything from Prometheus and Monsters, Inc. to Harry Potter and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World have been remixed, and there's even more Star Wars crossover trailers as well:

If the Unusual Suspect keeps this up, who knows: maybe a job over at Lucasfilm isn't too far out of the question...

Avengers: Age of Ultron will debut on May 5, while Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens is set to release on Dec. 18.

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