Top 10 'Legend Of Zelda' Facts: A Hyrule History Lesson

There's no denying the influence that The Legend of Zelda has had on video games. It wasn't just a good game - it was the first open-world game ever made, and serves as one of the best examples of what an action-adventure game can be, even three decades later. While some of the latest installments may have lost that luster, there are entire franchises that can't even come close to the quality present in just one Legend of Zelda game.

Of course, after nearly 30 years on the market, there's going to be a lot of secrets and forgotten history ingrained in the franchise. The series began before the days of the Internet, meaning that some information on the older games is only just being revealed. For all of its lore and convoluted timelines, there's just as much real-world history worth exploring. Enter Top10Meme's Top 10 Legend of Zelda facts:

Stopping at only 10 must have been hard - the history of The Legend of Zelda seems to go on forever. Between the different games, the different timelines, the cut content, the secrets, the cryptic characters...the series is unique simply because of how much lies just below the surface.

It would have been easy to create a Top 10 list solely on the official Zelda chronology - the series' timeline is so messy and convoluted that even the most dedicated fans still have trouble sorting everything out. It's clear that Nintendo never intended there to be a solid timeline, but that didn't stop the fans (and later, Nintendo itself) from trying to put everything in order.

With the new Legend of Zelda supposedly seeing release later this year, one has to ask: where will it take place in the timeline? What are its inspirations? Will it actually make sense to use the Wii U Gamepad?

Unfortunately, fans still have quite a while to wait before they learn the answers to those questions...the new Legend of Zelda probably won't hit store shelves before late 2015.

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