There is a problem with GTA Online now, and this has led to one of the game's experiences, the Casino Heists, being temporarily inaccessible for gamers for an unknown period because of an exploit. The recently discovered exploit can bring a malicious attack against GTA Online gamers and accounts where their money, clothing, items, and appearances may be stolen, among other hacks.
Now, users are left with no choice but to wait for Rockstar Games' update regarding the fix or removal of the exploit before announcements regarding this experience's return.
GTA Online Casino Heists Temporarily Inaccessible
Rockstar Games has released a new change on GTA Online, claiming that one of the joys of the multiplayer game's experiences, Casino Heists, is temporarily accessible for all. The company said that this will be its setup for Casino Heists until it finds a 'permanent fix,' but there are no exact timelines regarding the unavailability of the experience.

This also affects GTA Online players who own Arcades in-game, particularly as they cannot launch Casino Heists through these or launch Arcade Setup Missions until the developers' permanent fix.
Additionally, players may be unable to purchase Arcades for the time being, with the property being unavailable to purchase claims, Rockstar.
New Exploit Threaten GTA Online Accounts
The issue was reportedly present in GTA Online's PC version only, said ComicBook Gaming, but for additional safety measures, it was removed on all platforms for the time being. It was also reported that this was because of a new exploit, believed to be another RCE exploit that can steal one's money, change their avatar's appearance, and other forms of hacks.
Rockstar Games and GTA Online
Since its release in 2013, Grand Theft Auto V has also brought the Grand Theft Auto Online experience, where gamers interact with like-minded players and fans. This gave users a more hands-on approach to living in Los Santos, the fictional city and main game setting, with different activities like joining crews or gangs or starting one's social club.
Among the many activities here are heading one's company, doing missions that will benefit one's career on selected organizations, performing motor vehicle races, and many more, including the most popular: heists. During the pandemic, Rockstar Games delivered one of the game's most popular and biggest heists, also known as the Cayo Perico Heist.
The Cayo Perico is only one of the three heists in the game, and while others only offer limited-time challenges, some experiences are still accessible for all to redo or take on for the first time.
However, due to a recently discovered exploit believed to be the RCE, Rockstar temporarily suspends the heists for an unknown period to avoid further access to accounts.