The monumental case against Apple for the AppleCare lawsuit reached its settlement in 2022 and payments were sent out then. But this time, another round of settlements is being sent out to affected customers of this massive issue, and those who received payments before received a new notice from Apple regarding this latest compensation for the replacement fiasco.
If you have not yet received yours, it will arrive soon as Apple is not yet done paying its customers in this round of the settlement.
AppleCare Settlement Round 2 Arrives Now
Apple's settlement is sending out another round of payments to affected customers.Apple
The case best known as Maldonado, et al. v. Apple Inc. is now sending out its Round 2 of settlements to affected customers of the AppleCare lawsuit fiasco from last year. This new round of payments is currently under disbursement by the team towards affected customers who already received the initial payments made by the Cupertino giant.
Apple's settlement reached $95 million, but only $68 million is for customers after the attorney's fees, or around $14 per customer as regarded by 9to5 Mac.
However, this bonus payment is because of the left-behind sum of the people who were given a settlement but did not cash out the payment sent by Apple.
The AppleCare Replacement lawsuit centered on the issue that the company had with customers who received refurbished devices instead of brand-new replacements under the program. This was said to be a violation of the AppleCare terms, especially as it stated that users would get a brand-new device instead of a refurbished model from the company's stocks.
AppleCare and What it Promises
For many years, the renowned Big Tech from Cupertino offered its AppleCare extended warranty program for new purchases of Apple devices, and it is always recommended by the staff or online store to get one. Why? This is because it offers an extensive security blanket which would help even for accidental damages on the device, going as far as to replace them.
Opting for the one-year warranty that comes customary to new purchases of devices is already good enough, but they are not extensive and would not go as far as to replace the damaged ones. Users who forego buying an AppleCare plan were initially given 60 days before the chance to buy one elapses for iPhones, but it has since been extended to a year.
The issue behind the replacements where Apple sent out refurbished devices was caught, and this lawsuit settlement is compensating the affected customers, looking to complete the payments sent before. If you are an affected customer who received a settlement before but did not now, there is still a way to file a claim and dispute this with Apple.