Riot Games has announced a new policy against toxic players, looking to punish them by temporarily banning them from accessing Ranked League of Legends.
That means that those who will be caught or reported as a toxic player will only get to access unranked game modes, and their return will depend on their behavior.
Riot's sweeping new policy was included in the latest update of the game, with the company detailing the different ways a player gets a sanction and how to regain ranked privileges.

League of Legends to Kick Out Toxic Players on Ranked Modes
The recent Patch 13.19 is now live, and this update brings massive developments to the game, but one of its main focuses is against toxic behavior, particularly in Ranked modes.
The company calls these "Ranked Restrictions," and it will now penalize toxic players for their disruptive behavior against others and their team, adding to the list of other sanctions in the game. According to Riot Games, "Ranked Solo/Duo tends to be the queue with the highest rate of disruptive behavior."
Restricted toxic players will not be able to access Ranked games, and it will depend on their penalty on how much they will need to play in the unranked game modes to regain access.
Unranked Matches Only for Toxic: How to Regain Access
Unranked matches are still accessible for those reprimanded by Riot and the League, but a total of five unranked or regular games are needed before Ranked eligibility.
It is similar to the remedial period for new and unranked gamers to get a rank in the League, playing in the likes of Blind Pick, 5v5, ARAM, and more to get out of this restriction. Ranked restrictions are also applicable for unranked games, according to Riot Games.
League of Legends and its Gameplay
One of the iconic things that League of Legends has given the world is its massive support, particularly in the regular updates of the already 14-year-old game, which is still pouring in for gamers.
Its renowned Minions, also known as the Creeps, are under consideration for a rework, mainly because its design has not changed much since its early beginnings.
While the League nerfs or removes several items in the game, there are those that are still highly loved by gamers that eventually get to return. An example here was the recent revival of the Stattik Shiv. This item is mainly used to increase Attack Speed and Critical Strike but also deliver a jolt of lightning with a wide area of damage alongside other Crit items.
Riot Games' development of League of Legends has been one of the top regarded in the industry, providing the world with a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game that is yet to see its end.
While it fosters good sportsmanship and competition, it is still frequented by many toxic players, primarily seen in Ranked matches. Thus, Riot Games is now punishing them for their disruptive behavior.
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