Red Dead Redemption 2 has long been making headlines with leaks coming out regarding how it might come to the Nintendo Switch. Although no official confirmation on whether it was or wasn't coming to the Nintendo Switch, its listing disappeared from the Brazilian rating board.
The Red Dead Redemption 2 Game was Spotted Listed on Brazil's Rating Board
According to the story by Nintendo Life, as of Sep 28, the game's title under the Nintendo Switch console has disappeared. The Switch version of Red Dead Redemption 2 can no longer be seen on Brazil's rating board.
So far, it shows that the initial addition of the device to the site might have just been a mistake at first. This was due to the game's first entry, Red Dead Redemption, recently being added to the Switch console.
The Game is Currently Listed as for the Sony PlayStation 4 Console
As per its listing on Push Square, the game is still only listed as a title for the Sony PlayStation 4. The article by Nintendo Life shares their thoughts on the disappearance of the Red Dead Redemption 2 listing, saying it was quite a relief.
The reason behind their relief, as they explained, was because they can only imagine the type of compromises needed should the game really be pushed to the Nintendo Switch. The news comes as an update for the initial listing of Red Dead Redemption 2 spotted on Brazil's rating board as for the Nintendo Switch.
Leaked Image Shows the Game Listed on Brazil's Rating Board
The information was initially shared on social media, as seen uploaded on Twitter, or X, by user @necrolipe. The sighting happened on Sep 26 but it wasn't clear when the game was officially added.
The article highlighted how the game was initially released a generation after the initial Red Dead Redemption. Upon launch in 2018, it was made available on the PlayStation 4 as well as the Xbox One.
Fans have to Wait for an Official Confirmation from Rockstar Games
So far, Red Dead Redemption 2 being listed on Brazil's rating board is the only instance of the title being spotted as listed for the Nintendo Switch. The article highlighted how other classification boards don't list the game as being available for the Nintendo Switch.
Nintendo Life also highlighted how although there have been ports for the Switch in the past that were dubbed "impossible," it would require a lot to get the game to launch on the handheld device. The article even highlights how this might even mean upgraded hardware.
Although the game has been removed from Brazil's rating board, Rockstar Games, its developer, has given no comment on whether the game would be available for the Switch or not. However, the company also has a history of being good at keeping secrets, with little to no information being confirmed about a possible GTA 6.
Fans would have to wait for an official announcement from Rockstar Games to confirm or deny the possibility of the title making it to the Nintendo Switch device.
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