Nest Offline Bug Turns Live View Off, Keeps Video Record—No Fix Yet from Google

Your home camera is facing a bug that Google has yet to fix.

The company made the Google Nest to bring another layer of security and peace of mind to homeowners, but this new issue is pestering some owners as the bug prevents live view. The good thing is that when reviewing the recorded videos via the app, users may still see the history of what happened up until the most recent recording.

Google has already acknowledged the issue but has yet to issue a fix for this, which may make homeowners paranoid, not having any feed to the live happenings at home.

Google Nest Cameras 'Offline' Bug is Affecting Live View

Google Nest
James Yarema on Unsplash

Users have already raised this issue in the past days to Google, going to online platforms such as Twitter, Reddit, and Google Forums, which only shows that this is not an isolated incident they are experiencing. Nest users claim that their Home app shows that their Nest is "offline," and does not show anything in the live view of their doorbell cameras.

However, upon closer inspection, the people said that they could access the most recent recordings of the doorbell camera and still keep a record of what happened.

A user from Reddit said that this issue may be due to Google migrating users to the Home app from the Nest app, which is why this bug occurs, but there are no confirmed reasons yet for this from the internet company.

Google Has No Fixes Yet for the Nest Bug

That being said, Google has already responded via Twitter to address the problem, and while the company offered troubleshooting fixes first, users have explained that this is not an isolated event.

Google already acknowledged the issue via its support team but has only said that it is looking into it and has not yet found the bug affecting how people use the Nest. For now, users must wait for what Google has to say and do to mitigate the problem.

Google's Nest and Home Tech

Nest and other of Google's proprietary technology for the home have improved significantly over the past years, giving users more flexibility and things to enjoy as added features to their home. In fact, Google has expanded to offering Amazon Alexa as its smart home tech and moved away from its exclusive use of the voice assistant it developed.

The company has also included the Nest and other of its home tech to the Matter integration, a home-based Internet of Things (IoT) that helps in uniting different manufacturers into one ecosystem. This initiative helps empower the likes of Nest with other devices from Apple, Amazon, Samsung, and more for better controls and integration into one system.

The Nest Offline bug is nasty, as users who are constantly checking their homes or businesses may have a hard time doing so, but it is not necessarily broken as it made them think. Still, Google's fix would be the only thing that would make it all go away, assuring the public that they can be updated in real time.

Isaiah Richard
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