Is Taylor Swift The Latest Victim Of Lizard Squad?

Taylor Swift has one of the largest social media followings of any pop star. She has the fourth largest account on Twitter with more than 50 million fans, and another 20 million fans on Instagram.

So what happens when those accounts are comprised by somebody who appears to be a member of the infamous hacker group Lizard Squad?

Blatant self-promotion. And possibly some stolen nudes.

A hacker gained access to Swift's two social media accounts earlier this afternoon and didn't waste any time. First up was Twitter, where the hacker tweeted out the following:

Followed by:

Swift's account was quickly recovered and the tweets deleted, but not before her Instagram account also indulged in some promotion. Though it's hard to say for certain, the image posted on her account presumably was intended to encourage people to follow the hacker's instagram account.

Both of Swift's accounts were recovered quickly. Despite the breach being one of the largest in Twitter and Instagram history in terms of sheer number of followers exposed to the hacked shoutouts, it doesn't seem like much damage was done.

Unless, of course, the hacker's claims of having stolen nude photos of Swift turn out to be true. The hacker (or hackers) say they will release the photos in exchange for a small payment in Bitcoin. It's unclear if it's all a bluff in order to capitalize on the hack or the real deal, but after last year's widespread nude celebrity photo hack it seems safe to assume the worst.

Swift, for what it's worth is taking all in stride, saying that the hacker's don't have anything of the sort.

She would be the one to know.

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