Waze beta update supports Android Auto "Coolwalk" once again after initially offering it to some users last January.
Things are about to change. The latest beta release now offers support for the split-screen user interface of Android Auto.

Waze Beta Now Offers Android Auto 'Coolwalk' Support
As per a report by 9to5 Google, Waze initially offered support for the Android Auto "Coolwalk" last January. It comes after some users got frustrated that the new Android Auto feature failed to support the navigational app.
However, only select users had access to it. It allowed them to use the split-screen option on the automotive operating system while using the navigation app. But later on, Waze beta dropped its support for Android Auto Coolwalk to some users.
9to5 Google notes that it is unclear why Waze dropped support for it. But this time, it has been restored.
The Google-owned navigation app, Waze, brought back support for the "Coolwalk" UI with its latest beta update. It now lets users use it with the split-screen UI of the automotive software.
How to Use 'Coolwalk' Support on Waze
To get the Android Auto "Coolwalk" support on Waze, users need to install the latest update of the latter.
The app update that offers support is version 4.93.5.X on the Google Play Store. However, to get the beta version, users are required to be part of the program, which unfortunately is already full, as of writing.
So the only way to get your hands on it as early as now is by sideloading the Waze beta app.
From there, XDA Developers reports that users may use the navigation app side-by-side with another app like Spotify.
It remains to be seen if Google plans to expand the support to a much wider release. For now, we could only get our hands on it via the beta update.
Read Also : Android Auto's Coolwalk UI: Spotify Widget Comes Split Screen with Navigation-Here's a Look
What is Android Auto 'Coolwalk' UI?
According to Notebook Check, the "Coolwalk" UI of Android Auto provides various display formats, such as split-screen mode, allowing users to see two apps running at once.

The split screen option is a handy feature that seeks to minimize the navigating time of users while driving. With this, they no longer have to switch from one app to another. Instead, they could open two apps simultaneously.
Given that, "Coolwalk" support of Waze is much-awaited as its users are still looking forward to experiencing the benefits of the split-screen option. For now, they will have to opt for the beta version to get their hands on it.
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