"Pokemon Sleep," the latest sleep tracker app that The Pokemon Company announced during The Pokemon Day 2023 is now coming to Android and iOS devices this summer.
Unlike any other Pokemon games that focus on battles and training, this one highlights tracking your sleep progress while you sleep.
The gaming giant assures that fans will have another thing to look forward to when they wake up in the morning every time they use this entertainment-focused app.
'Pokemon Sleep' Combines Sleep Tracking and Gaming into One

According to Pokemon.com, those people who are having problems in their sleep could find a solution on "Pokemon Sleep."
It's a simple app that allows you to interact with many Pokemon on a small island. You will begin your sleeping with Professor Neroli who specializes in studying various sleep styles among Pokemon species. Snorlax, the iconic sleeping Pokemon from the Kanto region will also accompany you in your new adventure.
How to Use 'Pokemon Sleep'
The company mentioned that for you to record your sleep progress, you need to place your device by your pillow once you go to your bed.
"The longer you sleep, the higher your score in the morning, and the more Pokémon you'll see appear around Snorlax," The Pokemon Company writes in its recent post.
Each individual has varying sleep styles which include dozing, snoozing, and slumbering. By the time you wake up in the morning, you will see a lot of Pokemon who have these sleep styles. You will spot them surrounding the big Snorlax.
The most rewarding part of using "Pokemon Sleep" is exploring a rare sleep style among Pokemon. Just imagine completing a Pokedex, but the difference is that you need to search for more sleeping Pokemon to finish your sleep-style dex.
Related Article: 'Pokemon Go' Plus + Devices to Have Pikachu Singing Lullabies
Link 'Pokemon GO Plus' to 'Pokemon Sleep'
According to a report by The Strait Times, Pokemon fans can also get a Pokeball-shaped gadget dubbed "Pokemon GO Plus." Purchasing this device will allow you to gain access to Pikachu's "pika pika" voice thanks to Bluetooth Low Energy technology.
Tracking your sleep is now made more exciting with this. All you have to do is to hold the central button of Pokemon GO+ and it will now measure your sleep data.
The singing Pikachu will be your constant reminder every morning that it's time to wake up in the morning or take a rest at night.
Redditors Hope to See More Sleep-Themed Pokemon
In a r/Pokemon subreddit, u/veritri posted a thread about "Pokemon Sleep." The original post was already removed by the moderators yet some replies are still visible to everyone.
According to one user, sleepy heads and narcoleptic people will most benefit from "Pokemon Sleep."
Some people think that The Pokemon Company should add more sleep-related Pokemon in the app soon. So far, Snorlax is the only one mentioned who will be featured in the mobile sleep tracker.
Other users hope to see Slaking, Komala, Musharna, Darkrai, Drowzee, Hypno, and Abra make their unique entrances inside the app.