Telegram has recently rolled out several new features aimed at increasing privacy and control over media on the platform. This comes with the cloud-based platform's year-end update, which centers on significant public usage improvements.
Introducing the Spoiler Filter
One of the most notable addition is the ability to hide media behind a spoiler filter. This allows users to obscure sensitive photos or videos with a blur effect. There are many reasons users decide to blur out photos before sending them out. Perhaps one of the reasons is privacy. This new feature makes the encrypted, centralized instant messaging platform a lot more secure.
As per Android Central, Telegram first implemented this spoiler formatting to hide text in messages late last year, just in time for the 2022 New Year's celebration. The most current feature is useful when using a blur filter to conceal sensitive media.
Aside from adding another layer of secrecy, the new Telegram feature can also add excitement and a sense of surprise to each image sent. Furthermore, blurring is useful while transferring documents, memos, login information, and photos of sensitive files.
An Emphasis on Security
Telegram has also introduced a new way to auto-remove cached media from private chats, groups, and channels, giving users greater control over their phone's storage. What is the significance of this? Caching allows for the temporary storage of data, resulting in faster access, faster load times, and a faster browsing experience for the user. When you remove it, it saves you the hassle of occasional display and access issues.
In addition, a pie chart feature has been added, allowing users to visualize the items that are taking up the most space on their device and to clear the most space-consuming items using dedicated tabs for media, files, and music.
It is worth noting that while users can re-download these files from the Telegram cloud when needed, the new feature gives users more granular control over their phone's storage.
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In terms of privacy, Telegram has implemented a feature that enables users to set up a distinct profile photo for public viewing and hide their image from all but a few selected users.
Users can now set a profile photo for any of their contacts without the contact knowing, which means that only the user can see the photo they have assigned to their contact's information. If they wish, people can also recommend this photo to contact if they like it.
For group admins managing large groups, Telegram has introduced a feature that makes it easier to hide the members' list and protect them from unwanted personal chats. However, it is worth noting that anyone can still send unwanted messages to group members who post within the community, including spammers.
Learn more about the year-end update here.
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