Telegram released the last update of the year, and it is a buzzer-beater list of changes for the cloud-based instant messaging app that centers on significant improvements for the public's usage. This update is now available for both the iOS and Android systems, and people may now begin to download this and get the latest features from the company.
This new update centers more on accessibility and control for people's storage, media with spoiler effects, drawing and text tools, and more from this update.
Telegram Update: Here Are the New Features

According to Telegram's latest blog post, there are a collection of new main features available on the app for version 9.3, to focus on people's usage of the instant messaging application.
- Hidden Media - This new Telegram feature has a way for users to bring "media spoiler effects" to contacts and group members by blurring the sent item for other recipients. Users may blur images, videos, or GIFs upon sending them via the Choose attachments feature under the three-dot menu. Choose the option called "Hide with spoiler" to conceal the media.
- Telegram's Zero Storage Usage - The app promises that it can take up to "zero space" on one's device, and this new feature enables users to do it by automatically clearing the cache for them. Telegram is a light application since it is on the cloud. However, its caches for messages, media, and links that take up space on one's phone, and users now have the power to dispel it at any given time, with this new setting. A new pie chart will also take shape accounting for all chat's Messages, Media, Files, Links, and more for easier access and deletion.
- New drawing and text tools - More customization options are available on Telegram now, and its drawing and text tools for different media sent on the platform are now available on this version 9.3 update. It includes the blur tool, dropper tool, dynamically changing width for the drawing tool, custom animated emojis under Telegram's Free service, and more.
- Profile Photo for Contacts
- Hide Group Members
- New Animations for Android, Emojis, Interactive Emojis
iOS, Android Get Telegram's Latest
This update is already live, and users of the two top mobile operating systems in the world can download it via their respective platforms, with iOS's Apple App Store, and Android's Google Play.
One of the most famous instant messaging applications and platforms in the world is Telegram, and it managed to go as big and even exceed that of WhatsApp, Viber, and other competitors in the market. It features an intuitive platform for all the messaging needs, and it also centers as a hub for different niches, including the blockchain and NFT.
Earlier this year, Telegram introduced a Premium paid subscription service for users, and this centers on better features for paying customers for all their communication needs. This Telegram Premium is available at $4.99 monthly and will allow users to send a maximum of 4 GB files, as well as enable users to faster downloads on the app.
With the year coming to an end, Telegram said that nobody will miss 2022. The recent update surely is something that its avid users will remember until the next year because of its latest features available to users to help with their experience of the app.
Telegram wants the public to start 2023 right with this latest update, now live for the mobile platform on both the leading operating systems.