'Transformers: Rise of the Beasts' Trailer Shows off First Look at Optimus Primal

Optimus Primal is finally revealed in live-action.

The upcoming Transformers: Rise of the Beasts latest teaser gives fans the first look at Optimus Primal.

Paramount Studios' first teaser for next year's action blockbuster, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, shines the spotlight on Optimus Prime, an image-mirroring Mirage, alongside several other well-known characters from the previous "Beast Wars" series such as Rhinox, Cheetor, and Air Razor.

Yahoo reports that Ron Perlman will star in the film as the voice of Optimus Primal, the leader of the Maximals. Additionally, the film will also feature Pete Davidson as the Transformer Mirage and Michelle Yeoh as Air Razor.

'Transformers: Rise of the Beasts' First Look at Optimus Primal

The character's look was finally shown to the public with the release of the first Transformers: Rise of the Beasts trailer.

The teaser trailer, which was posted on Paramount Pictures' official Youtube, shows a fusion of his conventional Transformer robot form and his gorilla-themed animal form. Additionally, the appearance strikes nostalgia with long-time fans of the film franchise with how the Transformer leader appeared on screen since Michael Bay brought Optimus Prime to life in 2007.

ScreenRant notes that the design of Optimus Primal in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is not an exact replica of how he has been shown in the toys or in any animated versions. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts' version of Optimus Primal mostly focuses on fusing the animal form with the robotic appearance that the film franchise is renowned for, althought there are still hints of its original Gorilla features in Optimus Primal's design.

However, the new look enhances his design with more depth than earlier attempts. The Beast Wars character's animal form closely resembles a gorilla in terms of appearance and size, but it is not as hairy as its original action figure line, which many collectors tend to customize with fur.

'Transformers: Rise of the Beasts' Storyline: What We Know So Far

Inverse reveals that the film will be set in 1994 in New York, where the robots will mysteriously end up in. It only fits that one of the all-time biggest movie franchises returns with a trailer that pays homage to one of New York's finest artists to ever hold the mic since that year saw the release of The Notorious B.I.G.'s seminal album Ready to Die, which among its hit singles was Biggie's "Juicy."

The Maximals, Predacons, and Terrorcons are three new Transformer factions that appear in Rise of the Beasts, essentially an adaptation of the anime series Beast Wars: Transformers, which aired from 1996 to 1999. These robots adopt the forms of untamed jungle animals, in contrast to the Transformers that resemble vehicles.

It has long been expected that Optimus Primal would join the Transformers franchise in the seventh movie. With the inclusion of Maximals, Terrorcons, and Predacons in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, the mythos is finally expanded to include characters from the Beast Wars.

The announcement of these new factions made it clear that Optimus Primal, the Maximals' commander, would be participating. Thus, fans are hyped to watch the upcoming installment of the movie franchise in anticipation of seeing Optimus Primal in live-action for the first time.

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