Windows 11 2022 Update Slows Transfers by 40%—How to Speed It Up?

It's not your computer or wires, it's Windows 11.

If you have recently upgraded to Windows 11's 2H22 update, its major upgrade after a year since its public release of the new OS, you may be experiencing a slower rate of file transfers. Do not worry, as it is not your computer, the wires, or your external disks, as it was confirmed that the new update slows down transfer speeds by up to 40 percent for massive sizes.

Windows 11 2H22: Slower File Transfers by 40%

Windows 11
Windows 11 Unsplash/ Windows

Ned Pyle, Windows Server engineering group's Principal Program Manager, said in a blog post that the new Windows 11 2H22 update has a problem concerning transfers. According to Pyle, the transfer speed is significantly seeing a slower rate of up to 40 percent, particularly for larger files that are moved or copied from one device to another.

The problem lies in its SMB or Server Message Block, and it is evident in the 2H22 code present in the latest update.

Pyle further said that this problem is not evident with the 2H21 version of Windows 11, particularly the update released last year.

How to Speed Up Windows 11 File Transfers

According to Pyle, there is a workaround for this problem to boost transfer speeds and have the same rate as before. "For a workaround, use robocopy or xcopy with the /J (unbuffered IO) parameter."

Here's an example of what to input:

robocopy someserversomeshare c:somefolder somefile.ned /J

The executive said that it will bring users back device's performance with the 22H1 throughput.

According to DigitalTrends, this is only one of the many issues seen with the 2022 update, something which the Microsoft and Windows team also gave workarounds and help for continued use.

Windows 11 and its Offers to the World

The Windows 11 2H22 update rolled out to users in late September and it is the first major update of the new operating system which is fairly new to the market. It brings many upgrades and changes for its features and tech available via the latest OS version, alongside Windows 11's celebration of its first anniversary since its release last year.

There are many changes for Windows 11 when coming from Windows 10, and it is seen through the layout, user interface, and many more indications of what it offers.

Microsoft sure did magic with its Windows 11 release as it presents a better interface and experience for the OS in its latest release. The company brought more powerful ransomware-stopping technology with its default security system.

The company's Microsoft Defender is enough to combat threats and issues present in the tech world, with Windows 11 upgrading the experience.

The latest Windows 11 update is massive and aims to bring some of the best features that the company has to offer. However, it seems to be a double-edged sword in doing so, particularly with its current issue present. For now, users would have to use the hack to speed up their file transfers or be stuck with the slow one until the company finds a solution for it.

This article is owned by TechTimes

Written by Isaiah Richard

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