Tesla Posts 'Optimus' Hands Teaser Prior to AI Day 2022

The complete prototype and demo of the most-awaited humanoid robot will finally happen after delaying it for months.

Tesla revealed on Friday, Sept. 30, a teaser of the hands of its humanoid Optimus robot ahead of its complete exposure to the public.

The renowned automaker took to Twitter to post a 4-second video clip of a pair of robotic hands forming the shape of a heart.

The caption said, "AI tomorrow," denoting the company's AI Day 2 event in Palo Alto, California this Saturday, Oct. 1. This is the same day that Tesla will give the public a closer and complete look at its humanoid robot. According to the company, the first design of its AI bot will focus on doing both simple and dangerous repetitive tasks. This is expected to become more useful in a factory setting. In addition to the bot's revelation, the automotive company is set to give updates on all of its product programs and projects related to artificial intelligence. Tesla CEO Elon Musk noted in his tweet, "This event is meant for recruiting AI [and] robotics engineers, so [it] will be highly technical."

The Optimus bot is supposed to show these people what they would be working on.

Initial Teaser Photo of Optimus' Hands

Last month, Tesla already teased another photo of the robot's hands. The quality is, what seems like, inferior to today's version.

The hands have an intricate design, making them more difficult to create compared to other body parts. Yet, Tesla is establishing a high-quality standard by telling people that the robot will have "human-level" hands.

Facts About Tesla Optimus So Far

This humanoid robot was initially called Tesla Bot before it was named Optimus.

Its height is 5-foot-8, weighing 125 pounds, and it will move at 5 mph. It has "human-level" hands that can deadlift up to 150 pounds. It also has a carrying capacity of 45 pounds. A face-mounted screen will display useful information, too.

Musk stated that this AI bot would be friendly. It will be smart and strong, but not enough to the point that it will rise up against humans. A person can most likely overpower it and run away from it.

Tesla is known for its automated driving technology. Thus, it is not a big shock that the Optimus AI robot will be using the same systematic application. Musk explained that it would use its autopilot camera to "see" the environment and "think" as Tesla cars do.

Tesla AI Day 1

A year ago, Tesla held its first AI Day. The event centered its focus on the company's self-driving program.

Musk discussed the advancements in both AI hardware and software of Tesla's Dojo supercomputer, which was unveiled on that day.

Last year's AI Day was when the company hinted about today's AI robot. A person wearing a spandex costume appeared to be dancing on stage to attract interest.

This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Trisha Kae Andrada

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