Last Tuesday, Aug. 30, a known Twitter tech leaker named Evan Blass took to the Internet an early image of the "Logitech G Gaming Handheld." In just a few hours, online sleuths were quick to pick on this news, and Logitech's Nintendo-like device is not much of a mystery now.
DMCA Takes Down Leaked Logitech Device
The Verge informs us that the tech enthusiast tweeted three images showing the "Logitech G Gaming Handheld," spoiling its supposed announcement later this year. The leaked images were taken down after a long while but not before the Internet feasted its eyes on them.
Check out the tweet here:
A previous report from Tech Times shared that the handheld device is supposed to be introduced later this year and that it will have Logitech's hardware and Tencent's software.
While people on the Internet were discussing the authenticity of the said leaked images, Logitech itself did the honor of proving the veracity of the leaked images by filing a DMCA complaint. This complaint wiped the pictures totally out of the face of the Internet.
Logitech is a company best renowned for designing and selling computer peripherals. It is rather infrequent that the hardware company releases a product that is not a computer accessory. Furthermore, it is also quite rare that something leaks from Logitech before they even get to introduce the product to the public.
This is probably the reason behind the censorship. Since this will be Logitech's first take on a gaming handheld device, they would be pretty cautious in dipping their toes into the handheld gaming device market waters. This device would compete with AYANEO, the GPD, and even the Steam Deck.
Regarding the DMCA takedown, it is still unclear whether the leaker would face any penalty along the DMCA complaint that Logitech filed. We know that DMCA violations can always come with the risk of civil and criminal penalties.
Logitech G Gaming Handheld
The design of the new Logitech device is interesting. It looks like a neater and more tamed version of the Switch. But could it go up against Nintendo in a market that it almost runs on its own? Probably not.
Just from the leaked images, people online have already claimed that the Logitech G Gaming Handheld is just another cloud-first console with innards the same as a smartphone. None of this is confirmed yet.
Eurogamer tells us that Logitech has yet to announce the components powering the device, how much it will cost, or when exactly it will come out. Logitech, though has already dished some initial details regarding the device in a blog post from Aug. 2.
According to the blog post, multiple cloud gaming services will be supported by the new device. With the help of Xbox Cloud Gaming and NVIDIA GeForce NOW, Logitech and Tencent will now allow gamers to play AAA games even when they are away from their console or PC.
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