Virtual Reality Shooter Game 'Transformers: Beyond Reality' Is Coming to PSVR

After being delayed back in March, the virtual reality game "Transformers: Beyond Reality" is finally set to be released next week, Sept. 1, on Playstation VR.

A report from RoadtoVR tells us that virtual games developer Meta4 decided to push back the debut of the game one day before its supposed launch back in April because of 'reasons beyond their control.' Hopefully, no more setbacks would be on their way to hinder the release of this first-person shooter set for VR devices.

After much uncertainty about its release, our pals from Cybertron will finally land on PlayStation VR on Sept. 1.

"Transformers: Beyond Reality," which was unveiled in October 2021, allows you to battle as a human alongside some Autobot allies. Players will gain access to an array of futuristic weapons to use against enemies in solid-steel mecha.

In the game, robot villains Decepticons have discovered a new source of Synthetic Dark Energon, which is the source of their corrupted power. They will be using this new-found power to rally their plan of dominating their home planet Cybertron.

In the quest of taking over Cybertron, they will have to face its guardians, the Autobots. Earth will be one of their battlefields and players will take part in the Transformer wars as new recruits.

You will be tasked with shooting down Insecticons and Decepticons. Furthermore, you will have to triumph over battles in Cybertron as you fight to avert the destruction of both Earth and the cyborg planet.

After March Delay, 'Transformers: Beyond Reality' Is Finally Set for PSVR Release

A recent report from VentureBeat shares that game developers Meta4 Interactive and Hasbro have finally confirmed a new launch date for "Transformers: Beyond Reality."

In the same report, VentureBeat informs us that the game's developer Meta4 Interactive Studio has received funding from the Canada Media Fund. CMF is an initiative that is geared to support projects that champion content produced by Canadian-based artists and developers.

Meta4 also partnered with entertainment company Hasbro known for brands like "G.I. Joe" and "My Little Pony." In September, the two will finally be unveiling the debut of their promising Transformer VR project.

'Transformers: Beyond Reality' Promises Hours of Exciting Gameplay

According to reports, the single-player shooter game for the VR will be featuring a full-on story or campaign mode. Transformer VR promises hours of exciting gameplay featuring Autobots Optimus Prime and Bumblebee along with Decepticons Starscream, Soundwave, Megatron, and many more.

Finally, Transformers fans can experience fighting along with their favorite characters in this new virtual reality game. According to its developers, the game will be featuring a great sense of scaling and a thrilling world-building.

This project has been in the works for some time now, and long-time Transformers and VR fans will be expecting a lot about this game.

As for the Sony exclusive, GN24 tells us that Meta4 has a very strong relationship with Sony and that they decided to make "Transformers: Beyond Reality" PSVR exclusive for now.

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