Riot Games has finally unveiled its newest agent rolling in its popular tactical shooter game. The character was revealed during the finals of Valorant's Masters Reykjavík tournament on Sunday.

Fade hails all the way from Turkey. She is a badass and shadowy bounty hunter who uses nightmares to immobilize her enemies.
She menacingly proclaims in her agent trailer, "I've seen your darkest fears."
"Mine would eat them alive."
A nightmarish agent
Valorant's brand new agent is in touch with her deadly-looking shadows. She is equipped with powers that let her reveal her enemies' locations and can easily take them down with their nightmares.
Her character's move set is centered on finding enemy players and consequently blinding them or paralyzing them in one place. In one of her skills, she has the ability to use a ball of shadows to nearby enemy players, while another ball creates a small circle on the ground to make the players tether if they get too close.
Riot games has hyped the character's reveal throughout the past week with teasers of Fade fighting off other agents and taking them out with dark powers, which were posted on several social media platforms.
This gave fans an idea on how the character will relate or interact with the existing characters of the game.
Fade was first confirmed to be an initiator in a blog by State of the Agents last month. They also wrote that her ability set would highlight an "intimate feeling when hunting down enemies."
Meanwhile, Valorant Patch 4.07 also included several new lore elements to the Shooting Range such as audio recording of the rest of the team seizing Fade. Players will also have the chance to find her prison cell in the basement located near Brimstone's office, wherein upon entering the office, it will cause a haunting debuff that obscures the screen.
Signature powers and abilities
The rumored signature ability for the new agent will be called Haunt. It is a thrown orb that activates after it hits the ground but the orb transforms into a destructible Eye. When the Eye finds an opponent, it will reveal them and causes a Trail debuff that will last for 12 seconds.
The Trail will allow the players to trace where their opponents have traveled. Furthermore, the orb will automatically be dropped to the ground after 1.5 seconds of the throw. However, it can still be reactivated by enabling the ability key to drop sooner.
Since this is Fade's signature ability, Haunt will be free, but it will still be clarified whether or not it reactivates during a round when the timer is through.
Prowler will bolster Fade with a special ability that will send out a creature to travel in a straight line looking for enemy players and Trials. When the creature has succeeded in finding an enemy or Trail, it will move towards them, and when they reach the enemy, it will hit them with Nearsight for three seconds.
Users will also be able to hold "Fire" and move their mouse to navigate the Prowler creature while it is looking for an enemy.
Moreover, there will be two charges for Prowler, which will cost 300 credits for each.
This ability is a throwable orb that can "tether" all caught enemies to the center. The tethered enemies will have to go through 75 decay damage, will be deafened, and unable to escape "by normal means" for five seconds.
The orb can be reactivated by hitting the ability key to drop sooner. However, players will only have a single charge of Seize that is prized at 200 credits. Seize is a helpful piece of utility, especially for post-plant scenarios.
Lastly, Nightfall will be Fade's Ultimate ability. This allows the agent to produce a wave of "dark mist," and the enemies ensnared in its path will be deafened, trailed, and will have a decay damage for 12 seconds.
Fade is expected to be included in Valorant's roster upon the release of Episode Four Act Three, which is expected to be released next week.
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This article is owned by Tech Times
Written by Joaquin Victor Tacla