Twitter CC: Video Captions, Subtitles Coming to Platform for Viewing Media

Twitter confirmed that it is now testing a 'CC' button which generally means "closed captioning," mainly used for providing text captions or subtitles on the videos posted on the platform. The social media company will fulfill the feature for the platform, and its systems will determine the language that it will provide captioning for the public to read.

Twitter 'CC' Button: Coming Soon on Videos Posted on Platform

Twitter Closed Captions

The social media company with a short word form for its status announced a new feature that is coming to the platform, and it is with the CC button available for all. The feature will activate and deactivate closed captioning on a particular video or clip posted by a user online, and it will provide a running text based on their preferred language.

However, it has limited language options, as the feature is only starting and debuting its capabilities.

The feature is now available for iOS users first and will soon come for Twitter users that use the Android platform.

There will be an option to toggle the video captions on and off, and the CC button will appear on the top right corner of the media posted online.

Twitter will Provide Technology for Captions on Video

The technology for the captions on the video is coming from Twitter, and it means that its team created the feature for everyone to enjoy. According to Tech Crunch, this is only one of the many features that Twitter aims to give to everyone using its social media platform.

Additionally, more features are coming for Twitter, and it includes a way to set status updates on their profiles and other ventures of the company.

Twitter Features

Many things are coming to Twitter, and it is aiming to provide the public with many features that will help make their usage of social media more straightforward and more accessible. One of the latest features coming to Twitter is the edit button that will allow users to manage their tweets, especially if there was a typo or some information they wish to change.

The social media company also provides help and assistance to make its platform safe and available for all, giving everyone a chance to enjoy it safely and without any fears. There were online harassment cases on social media, and the company recently made its systems safer, with reports on increasing its vigilance on threatening entities.

Twitter is shaping up its platform to be a social media that people can enjoy, and while it focuses on the app's feature that leans on safety and accessing many features for easier usage, it also brings the CC button now. The auto-generated captions are coming for everyone to toggle on and off for their use, and it would provide more context to the video when watching.

This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Isaiah Richard

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