Yet another PlayStation State of Play is underway for Wednesday, Mar. 9, kicking off as usual at 5:00 P.M. EST and 2:00 P.M. PST. The broadcast will take place on PlayStation's official YouTube and Twitch channels across all languages and should last approximately 20 minutes in length.
While rumors and speculation run rampant on what exactly fans can expect of the forthcoming livestream, Sony played down the hype by simply stating its Mar. 9 State of Play will "focus on highlighting great games coming from some of our beloved Japanese publishers" via its PlayStation blog. It will be most prominently aimed at both PS4 and PS5 console games, specifically "first looks and updates."
Said Japanese publishers could include coverage of Square Enix and its forthcoming Final Fantasy 16, a PlayStation console exclusive last seen in a Sony broadcast of the same ilk from last year. There's also Square's Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin that could potentially make an appearance as it will be debuting Mar. 15.
And, as always, hopeful fans of Silent Hill, Castlevania, and Metal Gear Solid pray in abundance for a revival of some kind from those IPs through the reluctant hands of Konami, though any validation on a remake or new title from those game series remains hearsay. Despite the release and high praise of Elden Ring, Souls fans, too, are breathlessly anticipating some kind of a remaster or remake of Bloodborne, which still, even on the PS5 runs at a capped 30 fps.
Any PlayStation VR2 fans hoping to catch a glimpse of gameplay or additional information on hardware will have to wait as Sony has said Mar. 9, State of Play will have no details "on PlayStation VR2 titles or hardware."
However the 20-minute broadcast will, however, take a slight peek at other developers beyond Japan-based, which could be a nod to the upcoming Returnal DLC or GTA 5's Extended and Enhanced edition, which drops Mar. 15. God of War: Ragnorak, the sequel to the highly beloved 2018 hit, will not be a part of the show, unfortunately, but it is still on track for release later this year.
Although highly unlikely, fans may also get a snippet of information on what PlayStation's Game Pass competitor, Project Spartacus, looks and feels like. Speculation has run rampant on the Netflix-style gaming service under Sony, but given recent Tweets via VentureBeat's Jeff Grubb, who claims testing will begin shortly, it's a safe bet that Sony's own Game Pass iteration will debut sometime in late 2022.
Despite one major data analyst predicting PlayStation's non-existence within the next decade, it's clear the company is pushing bounds and maintaining a somewhat pro-consumer attitude for its releases and business practices. Maybe hardcore fans of Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid will get the tease of an experience they have long waited for, or Bloodborne 2 gets announced. With Sony, it's anyone's best guess.
Tune on Wednesday, Mar. 9, at 5:00 P.M. EST to discover what wonders PlayStation has in store for the future.