TikTok Effect on Teenagers, Children Now Under Investigation from Attorney Generals—Like Instagram?

TikTok is now facing a new investigation from US Attorney Generals in a bipartisan nationwide probe on its effect on teenagers and children.

It will be like the investigation that the lawmakers and attorneys are imposing against Instagram and Meta, which have been a massive case in the past year. Social media platforms have a significant effect on young minds that bring different factors into their development into the real world. This is something that the investigation will focus on.

TikTok Investigation: AGs to Look Into Its Effect on Teens, Kids

TikTok Pexels/Pixabay

The Office of Attorney General Maura Healey announced that it is starting a probe along with the country's bipartisan attorneys that will look into TikTok and its content.

Its focus would be on its effect on teenagers and kids that highly consumes content from social media and may impose several guidelines for social media.

The Massachusetts Attorney General will lead the probe and invite other lawmakers to join in its investigation, giving TikTok new research into its operations and distribution. Like any other social media, TikTok has a significant effect on children and how it would affect their formative years; thus, this probe to look into it.

TikTok Investigation Like Instagram; Nationwide Probe

The investigation is similar to last year's federal probe of AGs that looked into Instagram and its effect on teenagers and kids that focused on how its content influences young minds. However, Instagram's probe is different from its parent company, Meta, which faced a separate lawsuit involving whistleblowers like Frances Haugen in testifying against them.

TikTok's Content Online

TikTok is like any other social media platform, and it poses content from users and their choice of videos attracting different audiences and viewers. Sometimes, there are abusive content creators that post other videos for the likes and attention, something like harmful content to animals and even people that the company actively removes.

The social media company from ByteDance has already looked into the different content that may pose something harmful for users and even endanger themselves online. One example would be explicit content posted by users below 16 years old that TikTok updated in their Community Guidelines to flag and remove it from their accounts.

Despite the many actions of TikTok that answer this kind of content online, it will still face an investigation on how it would affect teenagers and kids on the platform. The probe would then look into the different happenings on TikTok and its many contents that may be harmful to teenagers and decide what to do with the social media from there.

This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Isaiah Richard

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