Man, The X-Files. Such a great show.
Of course, we're only talking about the time period between Seasons 2 and 6. The other seasons had their moments (Season 8 in particular is criminally underrated), but the show's real heyday was this five-year stretch when The X-Files was TV's golden child — the rare geeky/sci-fi series that had massive viewership. There were millions of households around the world that never missed one of Mulder & Scully's adventures. Most of those viewers still hold the show close to their hearts.
(And that abysmal 2008 I Want To Believe movie did not feed our need.)
Turns out, X-Philes are not alone. Gillian Anderson, aka Dana Sculley herself, wants her X-Files back, too. A new Nerdist podcast featuring the talented actress addressed the drought of X-Files in our lives, and Anderson readily admitted that she misses it every bit as much as the fans. She told the Nerdist's Chris Hardwick — master and commander of the geek nation — that if fans could convince Fox to reunite her with David Duchovny for a new X-Files series, she wouldn't hesitate to sign on.
Nerdist Podcast: @GillianA talks w/ Chris about @TheFallTV & why you should tweet #XFiles2015!
— (@NerdistDotCom) January 12, 2015
Anderson's comments have lit a wildfire on Twitter, where the hashtag #XFiles2015 is becoming a full-blown movement. Twin Peaks is coming back some 25 years after it ended. Fox itself brought 24 back last year after a four-year absence. Why can't The X-Files follow suit?
Sure, Duchovny has a new series on the way later this year from NBC called Aquarius, and Anderson is killing it on her BBC/Netflix series The Fall. Chris Carter had a hot new property on Amazon called The After, but Amazon recently pulled the plug for unknown reasons.
But who cares about any of that? We're talking about The X-Files, people! Let's make it happen! Hop on Twitter and use the hashtag #XFiles2015 to show Fox that you want Mulder and Scully back on the small screen.
I need this in my life again,the humanity needs it. Please make it happen, pleaseeee @20thcenturyfox #XFiles2015 — Bedëlia (@agustina03) January 13, 2015
If there was ever a time, the world needed Mulder and Scully, it is now. #XFiles2015
— SoDakLiberal (@SoDakLiberal) January 13, 2015
I stand behind @nerdist mission to bring back my favorite TV show of all time. #XFiles2015 @FOXTV @netflix — Dan Zampillo (@danzampillo) January 13, 2015