'Valheim 0.155.7' Update: Craftable Maypoles, Save Bug Fixes, AI Tweaks, and MORE--Here Are the Full Patch Notes

The latest "Valheim" update has two sides of stories--the good and the bad. For instance, we would like to share with you that you can now craft Maypoles in the game. Previously, you could only encounter it in the Meadows biomes, particularly in the abandoned villages.

The 0.155.7 patch eliminates world-destroying bugs, as well as the needed fix when opening a container. If there is good news in the update, there is also bad news but what could it be?

'Valheim Patch' Good News: Craftable Maypoles

'Valheim 0.155.7' Update: Craftable Maypoles, Save Bug Fixes, AI Tweaks, and MORE--Here Are the Full Patch Notes
Maypoles are now craftable in "Valheim's" new update. Valheim/Iron Gate

According to a report by PC Gamer on Thursday, June 24, the new "Valheim" patch that recently came out has good news in the form of Maypoles. This feature could give the players an option to craft them.

For those who are seeking comfort, the addition of these changes will yield a "rested effect" to the players in the context of boosts. Specifically, the player's stamina and health regeneration rate increases, as well as their XP gains. When you get used to the system, you would find out the "rested boost" to be one of your upper hands.

'Valheim Patch' Bad News: Buffed Enemies

'Valheim 0.155.7' Update: Craftable Maypoles, Save Bug Fixes, AI Tweaks, and MORE--Here Are the Full Patch Notes
Home of Greydwarfs in "Valheim" FireSpark 81 via screenshot from YouTube

After hearing the good news, we would now discuss the bad news that you could now experience in "Valheim." Before you could easily kite your enemies and pounce them instantly. With the new update, the situation is reversed: they will now pounce you instead.

The recent changes in AI monsters led them to be much harder opponents than before. They are also inclined to attack your house if they meet you there. On the other hand, the powerful "Valheim" bosses will fight you face-to-face instead of running away from you.

More importantly, the overestimated group of Greydwarfs could now deal substantial damage through their expert throwing skills.

Somehow, the Steam community seems to be baffled by the recent update. Some complained that Greydwarfs are now annoying since they have grown stronger. The frustration for the fans has expanded in the recent "Valheim 0.155.7'' update.

According to the game developer Iron Gate, they would continue to develop updates for the road map this June. The announcement revealed the postponements of the updates which should have been released earlier this 2021.

Full 'Valheim' 0.155.7 Live Patch Notes

According to GameSpot, here are the changes that are all included in the most up-to-date patch:

  • Random save bug-fix (Solves a very unusual case of world corruption caused when shutting down)

  • Monster AI tweaks (More aggressively attacking structures when unable to attack the player among other things)

  • Open container fix (Fixes issue where you had to click a container multiple times to open it in multiplayer)

  • Taught Greydwarfs to throw better

  • Event trigger tweaks (Wolf event only triggers after Bonemass has been killed, Modern army can trigger in mountains, etc.)

  • Long forgotten Blob event enabled

  • SFX volume setting fix (Used wrong DB conversion)

  • Maypole enabled (Happy midsummer!)

  • AI flee behavior tweaks (Bosses don't run from you anymore)

This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Joseph Henry

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