'Valheim' Guide: How To Find Silver Without Wishbone

'Valheim' Guide: How To Find Silver Without Wishbone
Bonemass drops the wishbone when you defeat him. But, how can you find silver without wishbone in 'Valheim'? Screenshot from YouTube/MrAtomicDuck

For your character to acquire a wishbone, you will need to defeat first the third boss in "Valheim," Bone mass. The legendary Forsaken is a poisonous nemesis so you should be extra careful in dealing with its colossal coverage. After defeating it, it will drop a trophy that contains a Forsaken Power and a wishbone, which is needed when you start finding silver veins.

But is it possible to find silver without a wishbone? How will you do that?

How To Find Silver Using Wishbone?

According to Game Pur, it will not be possible to search for silver ores with no wishbone item that will be used. After encountering Bonemass in the Swap, you will be granted a wishbone which will hasten your journey in finding silver. Just head to the Mountains biome and start digging the earth around it.

The author of the guide, Zach Palm added that the wishbone replaces the slot of your special item so you better choose wisely before equipping it in order to maximize your itemization throughout the quest. He continued that looking for silver in the frosty mountain is difficult since the locations will damage your character through freezing.

In order to successfully do your game task, you will need to build a wolf fur cape and other related armors that can negate frost damage. After crafting the frost-resistance armor, you can now start looking for silver without absorbing any damage in the snowy regions.

A hint that you are near to silver is when you see green and blue-colored wisps flying around the site. Moreover, pay attention if you hear a soft whistle from a distance. This taps you that the location has a buried silver ore deep in the ground - where sometimes it spawns as a Viking treasure so just dig continuously.

How To Find Silver Without Wishbone in 'Valheim'?

Can we really not find a silver without using a wishbone according to an author from Game Pur? Let's find out if he is correct.

In a Reddit forum initiated by a user named mrpotatoeman, he said that his archery skills against Bonemass are not working. What happens is he gets easily stomped on by the monster especially when he engages with his bow and arrow in action. His problem lies in not defeating it, which will mean that will not also get any silver without a wishbone.

He also said that he wants to craft a wolf cape so rummaging over the cold lands could get handy. A commenter named Juulmo told him that he should get a frost arrow and focus on building a treehouse and cheesing Bonemass. Yet, another Reddit user named Rowani posted that the giant was immune to cheese, so conquering it will not be easy as it sounds.

In connection to this, what Juulmo said was right according to RedditJH because Bonemass is weak to frost arrows. Meanwhile, another commenter named Filtered_Monkey replied that using the treehouse method and cheese is the best way if you do not want to break some rocks. Despite a low chance to acquire silver, it is a proven possible way without using a wishbone.

Still, you can also see silver veins protruding from the ground, so if you are 95% lucky, you can already call it a day. Furthermore, DatDakya, another visitor in the post, said that investing in freezing potions should be your focus when you start to start the search right away. You just have to craft them then you can now start going to the mountains.

Whatever works for others could work best for you. Just try the tricks that were mentioned earlier and you can have no problem in obtaining silver in "Valheim." Below is a related video that could help you breeze through your search.

This article is owned by Tech Times.

Written by Joen Coronel

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