Virtual reality kind of fizzled out from its hype-filled glory days back in 2016-2017. But maybe it's time to go back to VR today, because of this.

Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games' critically-acclaimed Western title, is now playable in virtual reality thanks to an amazing mod that was first used in GTA V, PCGamer reports. The mod was the brainchild of the modder Luke Ross, who was the creator of the massively popular R.E.A.L. GTA V VR mod.
While the actual virtual reality part of the mod does work (goggles), it still doesn't work with motion controllers, however. This means that you'll still have to control the game using your keyboard/mouse or gamepad while wearing the VR goggles, as reported in GameRant.
Considering that Red Dead Redemption 2 already had a first person view mode by default, Ross likely didn't have much difficulty porting the former GTA V mod to the new game. A good number of YouTubers have already tried the mod for themselves, and it looks like it's doing really well despite its limitations.
Read also: What Makes Rockstar Games' 'Red Dead Redemption 2' a Legend? Any Signs of 'GTA VI'?
Virtual Reality Coming Back?
This virtual reality mod for one of the best games of the current generation now poses the question: is VR still viable in 2021?
Well, you only have to look at why VR works well with a game like Red Dead 2. This type of game, which focuses so much on realism, is all about immersion. It wants players to be fully immersed in its world, and make them feel like they're living inside it.
Obviously, virtual reality brings the immersion rating up by a considerable margin. Instead of admiring the game's insane graphical fidelity from over your character's shoulder, you literally get to become the character. With VR goggles on, you will feel like you're actually walking around in the game world.

Now, imagine if you combine this with a haptics-focused controller like the PS5's DualSense, and the immersion level is likely going to be off the charts. Of course, any VR headset's built-in motion controllers would fit far better. But it's a good trade, considering that we might get name-brand DualSense controllers soon, too.
More AAA Games To Include VR?
So far, only the PC and PS5 support VR during this console generation. Microsoft mulled it for a bit, but decided to forego the feature "for now." Despite that, however, can we still see official VR support for AAA games of Red Dead Redemption 2's magnitude?
For now, AAA VR support barely exists. But maybe that's a good thing, because such a technology requires an immense amount of computing power to convincingly pull off. Computer hardware makers need time to perfect such a feature and make it commercially viable. Otherwise, only the more privileged will get to experience this.
You can get the mod via the modder's Patreon.
Related: Surprising Facts About Virtual Reality That You Probably Didn't Know
This article is owned by Tech Times
Written by RJ Pierce