Ubisoft has lately been planning to throw a new expansion for "Rainbow Six Siege," a possible spinoff with "Rainbow Six Quarantine." There is still no official date of its release as the issued information was only limited.
The new universe looks forward to players exploring the world involving parasites infecting humans. It also draws inspiration from the outbreak event, which was previously launched in the game. Now, let's look at some operators who will likely be introduced in the leaked "Quarantine" game.
'Rainbow Six: Parasite' Operators That Will Make Their Cut

According to a report by Gamerant, several attackers and defenders will enter the new "Quarantine" game. Players will be free to choose from them through their playstyles and tools to kill their opponents and accomplish missions.

Ash - Considering that her gadget allows penetration into walls, windows, and doors, Ash could likely make her cut on the new "Quarantine" game. It's also possible for her to pulverize monsters easily with her weapon.
Blitz - This character could easily breeze past his opponents since he could do that through this shield. Well, Blitz's favorite move is to blind his opponents so he could count as a great support to the team.
Buck - While his under-barrel shotgun can handle several monsters, it could be deemed as less effective when they start to run towards him.
Capitao - Who would forget this character who uses incendiary bolts to clear a wave of invaders? Capitao's smoke bolts could provide a huge synergy with Glaz.
Finka - Outbreak has introduced this character before. Finka is known for being a great support for his teammates through healing them and reviving them. She also exterminates any debuffs.
Flores - It was in February when Flores was revealed, as per the IGN report. This man could be more dangerous than his looks through his explosive drone, which could easily destroy obstacles and monsters.
Fuze - This hero is made to be a good flanker. Fuze relies on dispatching enemies while they are in defense.
Sledge- No one wants to get close with him with his big hammer, which could create holes for his teammates to pass through.
Montagne - Shield is his bread-and-butter; that's why you are safe when Montagne is in front.
Glaz - Thermal optic has never been amazing through Glaz's style of using it. From a remote location, he can easily cover the whole area with smoke.
Nomad -When enemies come from many directions, his Airjab is the best to clear them all out.
Iana- The decoy that she creates leads the monsters in mass confusion.
Gridlock - This character resembles what Nomad can do, but only her gadget just slows down the monsters.
Lion - A dangerous person to deal with, Lion relies on his marking ability on the monsters. He could enter "Quarantine" since he was introduced already in the Outbreak update.
Ying - Blinding opponents is Ying's specialty, especially in a room full of monsters.
Zofia - Her upgraded gear comes with additional grenades which immobilize the opponents.

Castle- The approaching wave of enemies will be funneled into a narrow room, rendering them more unfavorable when it comes to position.
Goyo - He could easily defend the monsters through his deployable shield, which explodes upon contact.
Oryx - Oryx could support his teammates by creating new routes.
Tachanka - Every team needs Tachanka as his incendiary grenade launcher strikes fear to all enemies. He also uses a mobile turret for additional support.
Kapkan - Kapan is a master of tricks through his five-trap setup.
Smoke- From his name, his power relies on gas grenades which slowly kill monsters.
Pulse - Pulse is the best detector through identifying his enemies' heartbeats.
Doc - His gadget heals the team.
Mira - Mira's special Black Mirrors could sneakily spot and kill the opponents.
Valkyrie - If Mira has Black Mirrors, Valkyrie has Black Eye cameras for spying enemies.
Maestro - His camera not only sees the monsters but could also shoot laser beams at them.
Rook - Rook's armor reduction and bleed effect stands out as one of the best.
Melusi - Want to hamper the enemies' progress? Melusi's Banshee will do the work for you.
Clash - "Rainbow Six Quarantine" could acquire this lady who uses a body shield. She could also shoot electricity and also use guns like a revolver and pistol.
Alibi - Producing holographic images is Alibi's way to distract the enemies.
At the moment, "Rainbow Six Quarantine" is still in the works but it is expected to arrive on PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PC.
Read also: 'Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege' YGS1.1 Full Patch Notes: Another April Fool's Joke or Not?
This article is owned by Tech Times
Written by Joen Coronel