"League of Legends" Patch 11.7 made another new meta since it released some buffs for the old champ Yorick. On previous seasons and patches, this hero is already one of the most potent life-stealers in the Summoner's Rift. However, its first version mostly relied on AP items.

Elderwood Ornn was teased way back when they announced the whole "lesser appreciated champs" skins thing. Teased right alongside this Singed skin and Battlecast Zac. More Ornn is coming, soon tm
— RenAki5 (@RenAki5_TTV) October 27, 2020
After it was remodeled, Yorick became a powerful AD or fighter champ that could easily melt any tanks it faces. And now, the undead hero becomes even more powerful, thanks to the latest "League of Legends" Patch 11.7.
Dexerto reported that "League of Legends" players are now using lethality items for Yorick, making it the new OP meta of the popular strategy game.
To give you more idea, here are the things that make Yorick an over-powered champ.
Why Yorick is so OP
"League of Legends" Patch 11.7 updated some of Yorick's skills, allowing him to dominate in the top lane and jungle. First, the hero's third skill, which is the Mourning Mist (E), received a buff that allows the champ to mark an enemy hero or a large neutral creep to continuously awaken nearby graves.

Thanks to this update, Yorick can now summon his little ghouls without using his E or Q again. This update is very helpful when clearing the jungle monsters and maximizing DPS when your first and third skills are on cooldown.
On the other hand, Riot also improved his second skill to double the damage of his ghouls. Because of this, Yorick can now easily kill large monsters and even the enemy team easily. Because of these skill changes, players are now making Yorick a lethality hero.
They are using items that could allow him to one-shot the enemy team's ADC and other squishy champs. These items include The Collector, Essence Reaver, Black Cleaver, Serylda's Grudge, and Edge of Night.
Best heroes to counter lethality Yorick
Although Yorick is currently an over-powered hero, there are still some champions that could easily counter him. However, this still depends on the players' skills and strategies. Here are some of them, as reported by UGG's report.
Since Yorick is useless without his ghouls, Irelia is a great counter since she can dash through creeps.
Volibear can now sweep enemy minions, including Yorick's ghouls, thanks to his new last skill and his taunt.
Aside from clearing Yorick's ghouls, you can also use other champs that can easily close their distance from Yorick, including Rengar.
These three champs are included among the tops heroes that can counter Yorick's OP lethality meta. Here are other champions you can use:
- Kayle
- Tryndamere
- Sion
- Wukong
- Shen
- Sion
- Wukong
- Yone
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Written by: Giuliano de Leon.