'Pokemon GO' Special Raid Weekend: Shiny Rayquaza Advanced Guide— How to Find and Best Counters

The latest "Pokemon GO" Special Raid Weekend offers trainers a new chance to catch a powerful Legendary pokemon. This pocket monster is currently popular since it has an exclusive move.

'Pokemon GO' Special Raid Weekend Guide: How to Find Shiny Rayquaza and Best Counters to Use
'Pokemon GO' Special Raid Weekend Guide: How to Find Shiny Rayquaza and Best Counters to Use Screenshot from Twitter post of @IncensedPodcast

The new Shiny Rayquaza is expected to make an appearance in the new Raid Battles, as confirmed by Screen Rant's latest report. This new Dragon-Flying type pokemon will have the exclusive move called "Hurricane." This ability gives this character a powerful Flying-type attack.

However, since the new Weather Event will only last from Mar. 27 until Mar. 28 at exactly 8:00 p.m. local time, the interested players will only have less than two days to grab this new pokemon. If you are one of them, here's a quick guide on how to find it.

Catching the Shiny Rayquaza

When the Shiny Rayquaza arrives, you need to make sure that you have enough Remote Raid Passes. But, game trainers can only carry three passes at a time.

On the other hand, you also need to wait for at least four other players once you join the raid. Plus, you need to remember that catching this pokemon requires a lot of patience since it is very hard to defeat.

'Pokemon GO' Special Raid Weekend Guide: How to Find Shiny Rayquaza and Best Counters to Use
'Pokemon GO' Special Raid Weekend Guide: How to Find Shiny Rayquaza and Best Counters to Use Screenshot from Twitter post of @kristlthompson

Once the player encounters a Rayquaza, they can only identify if it is a Shiny when they reach the capture phase. Aside from this, there is also a high chance that at least one player will encounter a Shiny Rayquaza if the lobby was able to accumulate exactly 20 trainers.

As of the moment, the Shiny Rayquaza is currently one of the best-looking shiny pokemon in the popular adventure game. Once you capture it, you will have a very rare Pokemon in your PokeDex.

Best counters against Rayquaza

Of course, players need to know the best counters that they can use against the new powerful Legendary pokemon. To help you further, here are some of the best pocket-monsters you can use.

  • Mega Charizard (w/ Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw)
  • Mega Ampharos (w/ Charge Beam and Dragon Pulse)
  • Rhyperior (w/ Smack Down and Rock Wrecker)
  • Mega Abomansnow (w/ Powder Snow and Weather Ball)
  • Mamoswine (w/ Powder Snow and Avalanche)
  • Rayquaza (w/ Dragon Tail and Outrage)
  • Weavile (w/ Ice Shard and Avalanche)
  • Rampardos (w/ Smack Down and Rock Slide)
  • Tyranitar (w/ Smack Down and Rock Slide)

If you want to know more details on how to defeat the latest Shiny Rayquaza, all you need to do is click here.

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Written by: Giuliano de Leon.

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