PS5 restocks have made it this week to major retailer stores like Best Buy and Game Stop in the US. Interestingly, stocks have actually managed to stay on the shelf for minutes. Game stop has released a few stocks for about 15 minutes to give chance for others to grab their PS5 this week. This week has been better when it comes to keeping PS5 stocks at bay, and it seems like retailers are employing a different tactic.

PS5 Bundles Effective at Deterring Scalpers, Bots
Best Buy seems to make the most out of their two-step ordering process by ensuring bots and scalpers do not get in the way. This made the stocks last longer. Best Buy's two-step requesting handle seems to be effective enough. Both Best Buy and Game Stop advertised their bundles inclusive of accessories and games for a higher price point, which keeps the demand at bay. These bundles remained in stock longer than when consoles are being sold without the bundles.
It's best to keep an eye for updates from these stores in the future. In the meantime, PS5 stocks in UK are also rumored to be coming up, according to Techradar, and there's higher chances of getting one this time, now that retailers have better strategies in selling units straight to users and keeping them away from bots and scalpers.
PS5 Bundles may not be great for everyone
An opinion by TomsGuide about PS5 bundles surfaces online. The source notes that Bundles are indeed effective in deterring bots but can be a "mixed blessing" for gamers. The source says that bundles are an age-old strategy when first launching units, and the motivation behind why is straightforward. Now that units are sold into bundles, retailers have clients over a barrel.
Individuals outrageously want to grab their hands on consoles especially since they come out just before the special seasons. Because of this high demand, a retailer could sell a $500 unit as a solo purchase or it could sell a console alongside other accessories and games. With this new tactic, buyers would think twice about buying it at a higher price point, but with other conclusions. When buyers could think about it well enough, they will come back anyway.
The source concludes that it can be both good and bad for gamers. It is good in a sense that when the bundle accessories and games suit the liking of the gamers, the bundle is a good catch. However, it can be disadvantageous when the other inclusions in the bundle do not suit their preference. It could be a waste of their money.
For the bots and scalpers on the other hand, these bundles are indeed an effective firewall. Since consoles are now sold at a higher price point due to other inclusions, they can no longer be able to sell them at their usual price point with the same amount of profit. Thus, both gamers and scalpers need to think twice about buying PS5 bundles.
Nonetheless, having PS5 restocks with or without bundles is great news for anyone who just wants to get their hands one just one PS5 console. Here, we've included a list of available stores from Techradar where you can keep an eye for PS5 restocks, both for US and UK.
PS5 Stores in the US
PS5 Physical Edition in the US | PS5 Digital Edition in the US |
| Best Buy Target Amazon Walmart Sony Direct GameStop Newegg B&H Photo Sam's Club |
PS5 Stores in the UK
PS5 Physical Edition in the UK | PS5 Digital Edition in the UK |
See related article: SUP3R5 Offers Custom-Made Black PS5 for Limited Time, Restock Updates
This article is owned by Techtimes
Written by Nikki Delgado