As "Fortnite" Chapter 2 Season 5 is schedule to begin on December 3, right after Season 4 ends, it is rumored to be holiday themed. Well, there are lots of things to expect in 'Fortnite' Chapter 2 Season 5, let us take a closer at the new map and how it would look like as the new season starts.
Meanwhile, the upcoming Galactus event will happen on December 1 at 4pm ET, SypherPK claims that Marvel story does not end in the Galactus event, but will continue into Season 5. This means that either the map will show a heavily destroyed terrain or the developer will change it. Well, there are lots of things to expect in Season 5, let us take a closer at how the map would look like.

'Fortnite' Chapter 2 Season 5 Map
While some alterations on the map are introduced on each new season, the recent one only had minor changes. Mustard's brother, MustardPlays revealed on the ITalkFortnite podcast that Chapter 2 map will be a version of the original Chapter 1 map altered after a black hole sucked it up.
As Galactus, the Devourer of Worlds is fast approaching in the game and destroying the Chapter 2 map, there are rumors that the new Season 5 will introduce a hybrid map of Chapters 1 and 2. The hybrid map is said to have a new design that will incorporate the best areas in each map while many POIs like the Tilted Towers would return.

While Season 4 implements various Marvel POIs throughout the map, it is hard to conclude what are in store for Season 5. Although Dooms Domain and Stark Industries are season4's go-to landing spots, these POIs are expected to disappear as season ends.
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'Fortnite' Old Map
MustardPlays explained that the old "Fortnite map was created within just a few weeks as "Battle Royale was a test. Then after getting huge success in the game, Epic wanted to do more in the system where the old map will not fit in.
While he claimed not to know Epic's plans for the new map, MustardPlays noted the map could fit all of "Fortnite's" systems so they can create more things, vehicles, activities, and weather patterns. After all, the old graphics did not work, so they had to switch to a new map. The game needed it even when people complained about the new map or wanting, which some players claimed to lost its touch, so they want to return to the old.
However, Mustard's brother said that despite the clamor, bringing back the old map will not be possible as Epic has already made huge changes to the system, unless it would rebuilt the game from scratch. "You don't want Fortnite to die," he added.
While it pains to lose the nostalgic feeling we attached to the map, the gamer also noted that "Fortnite" needs to constantly adapt to changes and introduce a new map as it unfolds a new season. He added that having something completely different every chapter is exciting as people gets to learn and unravel a new story together.
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Written by CJ Robles