VIRAL: Ice Block Used to Remove Oil from Food—What's the Science Behind This?

A viral video is circulating Reddit that shows a huge block of ice being used in an Asian Restaurant to remove massive amounts of oil in the soup. Redditors corroborate the video and add their take and methods in doing the task using other materials apart from ice.

Skimming the fat or oil away from the soup is frowned upon by some home cooks, for it requires thorough observation and asks the person to look after the food. The Reddit video shows a practical and simple way to remove oil from the broth to avoid ingestion thoroughly.

The video gained 59,900 upvotes from the Reddit community r/Damnthatsinteresting and sparked a long thread of 961 comments from the Redditors. The post also has 91% of upvotes indicating that Redditors agree and find the video educating.

Reddit's Viral Oil Skimming Method

Ice used to Remove Oil from Cooking. from r/Damnthatsinteresting

Reddit user u/FizzyDrink113 shares an appalling video of what seems to be an Asian restaurant using a massive block of ice to skim off the oil that is incorporated in the food's broth. The video also shows how the oil quickly turns into its solidified state before being scrapped off in a separate bowl with the use of chopsticks.

The block of ice emerges clean and clear again after being scraped off the solidified oil. The ice is used again to skim the broth for the second time around. The video's ice block also shows that it does not carry around any of the broth's liquid and other components as it is lifted. It only extracts oil from the broth and nothing more.

Reactions and Comments

u/Vanna21x shares her insights about another method that will contribute to extract the fats efficiently from the broth without using the ice. The Redditor expounds that this method can be used for different foods as well.

Science Behind the Oil Method

The science behind the broth's fat above suggests that it is a form of saturated fat. This type of fat typically comes from animals containing different components and dairy products such as cheese and butter. Saturated fat is generally viewed as the fat that is more dangerous to humans as excessive ingestion can lead to high cholesterol.

Saturated fat solidifies more easily than unsaturated ones and adheres to freezing temperatures to change in form. In the Reddit video's case, the ice acts as the extremely cool foreign object that contributes to a rapid change in its molecular state.

Skimming fat, especially the saturated type, helps in healthier and heart-friendly dishes. Lowering cholesterol intake and in foods contribute to a healthier heart as people age. High-cholesterol foods and intake lead to a weaker heart that is prone to notorious coronary artery disease (CAD).

This disease is caused by an extensive high intake of cholesterol and is left untreated. Arteries that bring blood and oxygen to the heart become hardened and narrow, resulting in the cardiac muscle to have a hard time pumping. This results in heart diseases and heart attacks that are the leading killer of American citizens in both men and women.

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Written by Isaiah Alonzo

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