Top Most Popular Netflix Shows in Each US State

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many states around the country have imposed strict stay-at-home measures for all its citizens in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19. With schools, offices, and businesses closed, many have retreated to their homes and have slowly built a new life online--studying, working, playing, and watching hours of movies and series.

In fact, in April the video streaming platform Netflix announced that their subscriber base had significantly grown in the first quarter of the year. This, however, wasn't really a surprise to many

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Illegal Netflix and HBO Service Offered Streaming Ring Busted by European Police Freestocks on Unsplash

With the increased attention streaming services have received recently, LoveCrafts, the online community of makers who crochet and knit, decided to take a look at Google Trends data to see what Netflix shows US citizens have been enjoying during the lockdown, and in which states these shows are loved the most.

According to LoveCrafts, the research they conducted coincides with their two craft calculators that will tell you how long it will take you to make an item in terms of binge-watching your favorite show. "The data showed that Tiger King was the most popular Netflix show across America, taking the number one spot in nine states. This was followed by Money Heist and 13 Reasons Why."

The following are the most popular Netflix shows in America and which states love them the most:

1. Tiger King (Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Wyoming)

2. Money Heist (California, Florida, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Virginia)

3. 13 Reasons Why (Alabama, Connecticut, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Texas)

4. Stranger Things (Indiana, New Mexico, Ohio, South Carolina, Utah, Wisconsin)

5. American Horror Story (Alaska, Arizona, Kentucky, Nevada, South Dakota, West Virginia)

6. The Last Dance (Illinois, Idaho, Michigan, Oregon)

7. Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich (District of Columbia, Hawaii, Montana, Rhode Island)

8. Black Mirror (Arkansas, Maine, Vermont, Washington)

9. Riverdale (Delaware, Georgia, Louisiana)

10. Dead to Me (Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota)

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mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Using LoveCraft's craft calculator--one for knitting and one for crochetting--they also determined the things you can create while catching up on your favorite shows.

According to Edward Griffith, founder of, "Knitting and watching TV have always gone hand-in-hand. There's even a name for it now - Nitflixing! What's not to love about watching your favorite show while working on your latest make."

1. Tiger King: 5 hours = a knitted pair of booties for a baby

2. Money Heist: 31 hours = a knitted hat for an adult

3. 13 Reasons Why: 46 hours = a crocheted bag

4. Stranger Things: 22 hours = a crocheted toy

5. American Horror Story: 86 hours = a knitted jumper for an adult

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