Netflix Party is a Google Chrome Extension that did not need you needed up until now. This Chrome extension is a welcome sight to watch with your friends and loved ones if you aren't going to see each other for quite some time.

What is it About?
Netflix Party is not a new extension to Chrome's library. Due to the government telling everyone to stay indoors and distance themselves from large crowds and just going outside unless you have to; this has become a breath of fresh air for setting up movie dates or watch parties with your favorite people.
"Netflix Party is a new way to watch Netflix with your friends online. Netflix Party synchronizes video playback and adds group chat to your favorite Netflix shows." this is what they advertise on their official website, and it seems like it's a good enough reason to try it out now more than ever.
A Group Chat, You Say?
A feature that Netflix Party has conveniently added a group chat on the right side of the screen, just like you would comment on Twitch, Facebook Gaming, and other gaming services. So it won't be something new to you, but it would be something new in Netflix entirely.
Why do You Need it?
As previously mentioned, the extension allows you to host watch parties and set up move dates that you would have never thought of before when society was still up and running in most parts of the world. You can still connect and literally "Netflix and chill" but with a larger crowd this time because everyone can easily join in.
How to Host a Watch Party?
In order to host your very own Netflix Party, you should first install the extension. Immediately after that, click on the "NP" icon that is conveniently located at the top right-hand side of your Chrome browser and click "Start the party." Next, you only need to share the party URL with anyone you want to watch the movie or show with, and you are all set!
To create your party, click on the red "NP" icon located next to the address bar. Then click "Start Party" to get the party started, and share the party URL to invite friends.
Important Details
Netflix Party is a third-party app that is not in any way affiliated with Netflix itself. You will need your OWN Netflix account to be able to run the service with your friends, and no, sharing of accounts is not allowed. The app itself is free to download as an extension. However, you can only download it from Google Chrome.
If you are an avid user of Microsoft Edge, Mozilla's Firefox, and other browsers, you will sadly not have the option to join your friends watching their favorite shows together.